Muslims must support AAP in - TopicsExpress


Muslims must support AAP in Parliament ********************************************* Dear Indian Muslims! I am making this appeal, especially to you because, we, the Muslims of India, are the only community which has been reduced to the status of political slavery, which has badly fallen in the dirty trap of power hungry politicians, which has been ruthlessly sandwiched between fictitious secularism and naked fascism, and which has its fortune confined only to ‘ make one party win in the name of secularism and make the other lose in the name of communalism.’ No doubt, our Constitution is a sacred document which guarantees to all the citizens, equality in every sphere, but the circumstances created by reprehensible policies of political outfits have brought us not only to the lowest social strata of the country, but also inculcated in our collective minds a fear psychosis. Everything is before you, so to discuss the details is simply the wastage of time and energy. We understand our despicable position : we discuss it, but in the end lament over the reality that we have no alternative. Now that the Parliamentary elections are going to be held , we have got an opportunity to wriggle out of the present predicament, which may pave the way for our better future. You know it well that, be it an individual or a party, none can say who is communal and who is secular. All are sunk in corruption, and complementary to each other in polarizing the vote in the name of communalism and secularism. I have not the slightest inhibition in asserting with full force that Aam Aadmi Party ( AAP) , led by Mr. Arvind Kejriwal, has emerged as a strong force which is making a genuine beginning to be the option for those who are opposed to corruption in general, and for Muslims who are feeling desperately helpless. I am not testifying to the everlasting credentials of Mr. Kejriwal’s Party, but have no reason to doubt them either. Come on dear Muslim brothers and sisters ! Have faith in Allah and grab this opportunity by extending whole-hearted support to AAP. I am sure that Insha Allah it will lay the foundation for your bright prospects , and will ultimately give you a sense of self-confidence that can make you a politically vibrant community in the country. I would like to add that at this stage by supporting AAP en masse, we must try to come out of the grip of traditional crocodiles, but ultimately we need to develop our own leadership through democratic process. Without being a politically organized group, we have had the experiment with Congress, B.S.P., S.P. and all others. Keeping this ultimate objective in mind , I would like to appeal to vote for the Muslim based political parties wherever they are fielding their candidates, while in the rest our full support must go to Aam Aadmi Party, without caring who is winning and who s losing. While every party and individual are making efforts to make their own power, we are displaying the feminine trait of ‘ make win and make lose’ politics in the name of the so-called ‘tactical voting’. Please shun this decades old defeatist mindset, and act like a living race, and as an equal citizen of this great country. Dr. Mustafa Kamal Sherwani, LL.M. ( Alig.),LL.D.(Lucknow) Chairman, All India Muslim Forum 537CH/ 30, Sherwani Nagar Opposite New Campus of Lucknow University Sitapur Road, Lucknow, U.P. India sherwanimk@yahoo +91 - 9919777909
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 12:20:11 +0000

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