Muslims, there is absolutely No Repentance in the Grave. You must - TopicsExpress


Muslims, there is absolutely No Repentance in the Grave. You must believe in Jesus that He is the Only Saviour of the World. Islam is directly opposite to Christianity. Dying in islam will send you to HELL...... Roman Catholics members, there is No Repentance in the Grave. Stop praying to or through Mary at any given time. Stop hyper-reverencing Mary. Stop believing in Purgatory..... Church of Christ members, continuously rejecting and preaching against the Gifts of the Spirit will send you to Hell.... Jehovah Witness Members, your founder Russell, is already in HELL. Your beliefs oppose the gifts of the Spirit and thats enough to send you to HELL..... As for you Latter Day Saints members, i beg you to quit. Your doctrines are very funny and weird, and your bible is not from God. Dont die in that Cult...... Last but Not the least, pentecostal apostolic assemblies methodist presby and charismatic members, if it is not EXACTLY 10 percent, it is NOT tithe...If you dont pay Tithe, you have robbed God and you are cursed and will go to HELL. People are in HELL just because they refused to pay tithe.... Amidst all the insults and attacks that i get for speaking the raw truth, i still keep on warning you because there is absolutely No Repentance in the Grave...Jesus first message in Ministry was a warning: Repent.. His Cousin John the Baptists first message in Ministry was also a warning: Repent......And to some of you Facebook readers who do Not know the differences between Warning and Judging, you must Repent or Perish likewise because there is Absolutely No Repentance in the Grave......It is very possible for your church to lead you to HELL....REPENT... Matthew 23:13 But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! You lock up the kingdom of heaven from people. For you dont go in yourselves and you dont allow those entering to go in......................REPENT
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 09:46:01 +0000

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