Musophobia Hi my name is Jolene and I am a Musophobic. In - TopicsExpress


Musophobia Hi my name is Jolene and I am a Musophobic. In other words I have an intense fear of Rodents!!! I born in the Bates Mansion on the Oregon coast, where we lived just blocks from the shipping port in town. Mom always said it was birds nesting in the walls but birds dont run in packs and sound like elephants, no way no how. As a teen we had moved to the country and that brought its own critters. Mice, shrews and other vermin. I woke up at night to see these critters run though my room, to which I would yell for my knight in mighty tidy whities (my dad) who would come and chase them out of my room and take care of them. Until the day he got rug burns on his knees and elbows after that I was on my own. I Moved to Alaska to a town that had rats so big you could walk them on a leash, and a local courtship ritual was to take your date to the dump and impress her with you rat shooting abilities . The first time I saw a Nutria cross the road I slammed on the brakes and yelled RUS! (Rodent of Unusual Size, yes I have seen the Princess Bride) My friend riding with me, once they picked themselves off the car floor, calmly said no Jo thats a Nutria there are no Rats that big . You cant prove that by me. Now in my wonderful new home, there is something lurking under the house... I hear is scratch behind the bathroom cupboard and under the bathroom floor, I an imagine what it looks like and it makes those in the Fire Swamp look like sissies. I stamp on the floor when I am brave enough in hopes of scaring it . I was given by a family member an electronic sonic rodent repellent. Its plugged in and mostly works but I still am hearing him dig. I think he has stuffed something in his ears so he cant hear the sound or it has mutated somehow into a super rodent of some kind, with large fangs and red glowing eyes and just lays in wait for me.... there is a movie called What ever Happened to Baby Jane with Betty Davis and Joan Crawford. Betty Davis played a former child star who now grudgingly cares for her crippled sister Blanch played by Joan Crawford. One day Jane brings lunch in on a covered silver tray and as she is leaving she looks over her shoulder and casually states, by the way blanch did I tell you? we have rats in the celler. Thats the moment you know whats for lunch. Rat on bed of lettuce and tomatoes, ewwwwww ! And now I hear her mocking voice telling me, by the way Jo you have rats in your.....Oh dear! Help My name is Jolene and I am a Musophobic....
Posted on: Mon, 10 Feb 2014 00:27:09 +0000

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