Must Read! ARE ALL THOSE INFORMATIONS AGAINST ISLAM TRUE??? From: Al-Ihsan Dawa movement(Ada) In the name of Allah,the Beneficent the Merciful. May peace mercy and blessings be upon the Messengers of Allah and all those who follow their footsteps in righteousness until the last day. Often times,we see a video of some people being beheaded or shot down in the name of Islam. This has become quiet wide spread and its raising comments among both Muslims and non Muslims. Many people comment without knowledge and as such they give wrong informations about it. In order to comment on such videos,there are some crucial points one should take note of: 1. The authencity of the video: many of such videos potray arab speaking people shouting Allahu Akbar!!, Allahu Akbar!! as they behead or shoot down someone or some group of people. The question here is: how did you know whether those people are really Muslims? Is it because they speak arabic language? Is it because they dress like Muslims? Is it because they shout Allahu Akbar? If these are your points of judgement,then you are wrong and biassed in your judgement. Know that Arabic is just a language and can be spoken by many non Muslims, know that the Muslim dress can be worn by everyone to accomplish their aims, and know that Allahu Akbar!! can be said by anyone just to accomplish their aims. Many of such videos are false and baseless because there is absolutely no rational proofs that those who did it are really Muslims.unless if incase u judge by the aformentioned biassed criterias. There are many fanatical non Muslim Islam antagonists who themselves deceptively invent such videos with the intention of maligning the image of Islam in the sight of new Muslims or non Muslims who appriciate the truth of Islam.many of them have been exposed after the proceedure and sometimes during the course. Secondly,there are some of such videos which are done by some victimised Muslims suffering the attack and unjustifyable murder of the Ubelieving folks such as the Israeli and America among others. in this moments those Muslims also come up with such videos and send it to those countries and their allies as a threat but bear in mind that that doesnt mean Islam teaches that. an example of such incedent is during the attack of America on Afganistan and Iraq among others. during this time,the American soldiers are occupying the Muslim country and bombarding them with the aim of stealing their oil etc and suppressing the Islamic awakening. the Muslims at that time try to risist the pressure and as a result they sometimes grab some of those soldiers or their allies and behead or shoot them on video camera to send to those opposition countries as a threat. these doesnt mean Islam is in agreement with such a way of killing but its done because they have no choice. Many haters of Islam are biassed in their judgement and they judge Islam with wrong informations or the mistakes of some Muslims. if a Muslim does something, people blame Islam but if a Christian,Jew or Hindu does the same,they blame it on him and not Christianity, Judaism or Hinduism. this is a very well known fact in todays world. is this a just way of judgement?? NO!. Many Christians,Jews and Hindus have in history terroriesed and killed and still terrorising and killing uncountable number of Muslims in the Muslims lands and elsewhere. but when people blame,they only blame the terrorists and not their religions. why then do they blame Islam just because of the same act?? This reveals how unsincere they are. to see some of the merciless and heartbreaking killings done on Muslims ranging from children to the old, visit this link answering-christianity/pali_torture.htm again,to see the Islamic standpoint on the topic of terrorism,visit this link, watch some video lectures on that topic https://m.facebook/story.php?story_fbid=337995013044558&id=100005021854284&_rdr Islam is the Religion of God Almighty and its far removed from the lies ascribed to it by its enemies. Many people are sincere in their judgements and in their study of Islam and I believe this piece will be very helpful to them along their way to Islam and it will contribute to clearing the minds of the lessinformed Muslims. May Allah keep the new and old Muslims in faith, help and grant victory to Islam and all the Muslims accross the globe. May Allah guid all the seekers of truth and ease their path towards Islam. Aamin! MUST SHARE
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 20:17:20 +0000

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