Must Read: It Is Teenage Love…..Part 10 & 11 Note: If you - TopicsExpress


Must Read: It Is Teenage Love…..Part 10 & 11 Note: If you Missed Any Of The Previous Parts, Follow d link @ Comment Box To Read it.....Read Below! Mrs Akinola was seated in her shop giving instructions to her workers. Jummy walked into the shop dressed in a black mini skirt and red top. She walked through the sections of clothes, toys, jewelleries, consumable products and other varieties of goods based on the cashiers directives. Good afternoon ma. she greeted bending her knees. Good afternoon my dear. The woman replied giving her a searching look. It is me, Jummy. Oh! You are welcome my dear. Mrs Akinola instructed one of her girls to give Jummy a bottle of chilled drink. So you are my sons girlfriend? she asked. Yes ma. Jummy replied smiling. But dont you think you are too young for that? she asked. Yes we are young but we are not going too deep with the relationship. Jummy explained. Is it a must for you to have a boyfriend now? Its not a must but so that we dont have problems with relating in future and to know ourselves better. Jummy explained. I see. she replied. Mrs Akinola and Jummy were together in her shop talking about relationships and their ups and downs before Olanike arrived. Good afternoon ma. Nike greeted kneeling down. Oh! Nike right? Yes ma. you are such a beauty. Mrs Akinola complimented. Thank you Ma. Nike said kneeling down. Have your sit. mrs Akinola said pointing to a vacant seat beside where Jummy sat. Good afternoon. Nike said greeting Jummy. Jummy ignored her and continued playing with her phone. Mrs Akinola noticed the cold atmosphere between them and the jealousy in Jummys face. She smiled. Do you know her? Mrs Akinola asked Nike. Yes ma. Nike replied. Who is she to you? She is my friend. Nike replied. Jummy raised her head up and looked at Nike with an angry face. Who is she to Segun? the woman asked. She never saw that coming. I dont know but recently i discovered they are much more close. Nike explained. So there is a possibility that they are dating? Yes ma. Jummys phone rang and she picked it. She dropped the call twenty seconds later. I have to go ma. My dad wants to see me. Okay. mrs Akinola replied handing a five hundred naira note to her as transport fare. Jummy left after showing appreciation to seguns mum and ignored Nikes greeting. That girl doesnt fit my son. Mrs Akinola said to Nike. Nike was suprised and did not know how to reply the woman. Mrs Akinola gave Nike her number at the end of the day after giving her her own transport fare. Segun got to the exam centre very early in the morning on the 2nd of october (the last day of the examination) He sat down and did his last minutes revision. Good morning. Nike greeted. Good morning. he replied. How was your night? she asked. It was fine. he replied. They chatted happily for like twenty minutes before Jummy entered the hall. Ill see you later. Nike said immediately she sighted Jummy. But, nobody is sending you away. Segun replied. I know but i dont want trouble. she explained. Nike left for her seat. Jummy got to Seguns seat angrily. So you are still seeing this useless girl? Jummy asked. Keep your voice down and moreso, am not seeing her. Segun defended. You finally allowed your mum to make decisions for you. Jummy said. Dont bring my mum into this. Segun warned. They stood up against themselves before Olanike came between them. Segun. Whats the matter? Nike asked. Slut. Whats yours in this? Jummy asked. Nike walked away with tears in her eyes. How dare you call her slut? Segun asked but waited for no reply as he ran after Nike. Jummy walked to her seat angrily. Segun apologised to Nike before the invigillator came in and distributed the question paper and the answer booklet. After the paper. Candidates were seen loitering outside jubilating on the completion of the exam. Some were taking pictures while other were exchanging contacts. Segun snapped Nikes pictures and vice versa. Jummy was looking at them from afar with a very angry face. Segun chilled with Nike for some minutes before Emma and his boys numbering up to fourteen showed face. They dragged them to a lonely part of the school. Seguns phone was seized, his wrist watch and his chain. Nike was begging for their safety but the guys ignored her and warned Segun not to move close to Olanike for the rest of his life. Segun voiced out angrily and requested for a man to man combat between him and Emma. They accepted the contest and they were left to battle it out. Segun succeeded in pushing Emma to the ground and was raining lots of punches on him before the other guys joined in support of Emma. Nike seeing that they had dropped the things they seized from them picked it up and took to her heels. Segun managed to stand up and ran away with a series of cuts on him. He took the schools back gate and walked towards the bus- stop where he saw Olanike waiting for him. Seeing him in his injured state. She quickly called a taxi and off they went to her house in the GRA. Did they hurt you? Nike asked with concern written all over her face. Not really. I just had some minor cuts. He replied. Nike left him in the sitting room and went into the kitchen to boil water for him so as to press his swollen head. Ouch. he whinced in pain. Is it painful? she asked. Should i test it on you? Segun asked scooping water with his hand pouring it on her. Oh my God! This thing is painful. She said laughing. So you dont know before. Segun teased her. She gave him some pain killers agains t his wish but he took them to please her. THIRTY MINUTES LATER. There was a horn outside the gate. Segun was startled. Who could that be? he thought. That should be my dad. Nike said heading outside to welcome her father. Welcome dad. Nike said hugging her father. How are you my princess? he asked. Am fine. Hope you bought what i asked for? she asked. dont you know i came home because of your birthday? he asked. I trust you. she replied smiling. Daddys girl. Joe the gateman said. Thank you. she replied playfully. Father and daughter both went inside and met Segun sitting down. Sighting her father, Segun stood up. Good afternoon sir. Segun prostrated. Oh! How are you? he asked. Am fine sir. Segun replied. So you are Segun right? he asked. Yes sir. Segun replied suprised. He looked at Nike for an answer but got a smile in return. Enjoy yourself and make yourself comfortable. the man said and headed for his room. Ill be right back. Nike said following her father. Okay. Segun replied and sat down. Nike came back and they continued talking about stuffs such as their schools, friends and Emma and Jummy. At exactly 4 oclock Segun stood up and announced his departure. Wait and let me tell daddy. Nike said and went back inside. Nike came back and handed one thousand naira to Segun. As Segun was about stepping out of the house Nikes father came to the sitting room. Hope to see you on thursday. The man said. Definitely sir. Segun replied. Nike escourted him back to the bus- stop where hell board a bus to his house. Take care of your wounds. She advised. Okay, i will. he answered. Bye. Ill call you. she said. Bye. he replied hopping into a bus. Segun got home thirty five minutes later but got the shocker of his life immediately he got into the sitting room. Seated in the sitting room was his mother and Jummy. Segun entered the sitting room and met his mother and Jummy seated discussing only God knows what. Good afternoon mum. he prostrated. Welcome. How was your paper? she asked. It was fine. You didnt go to shop? he asked. I had to come back to attend to somethings. she explained. Okay ma. he said leaving the sitting room. Segun. his mother called him back. He face her waiting for what she had to say. Are you blind or you dont see your girlfriend? she asked. Girlfriend? I dont think i have one at the moment. he said. So who is she? she asked pointing to Jummy. She is one of those girls i met during the exam. he explained. Are you alright? So you have started changing girls like you are changing clothes? she asked. I am okay. he replied. Okay. As your mother i hereby command you that you should continue your relationship with Jummy with immediate alacrity. she said angrily. Thats not possible. I own my life and i know what is good for me. he said angrily. Are you a bastard? she asked. That a question for you. he replied. His mother frowned her face. And stood up angrily moving towards him. Am i the one you are talking to? she asked. He kept mute to the question. His mother angrily picked up a mug and threw it at him. He quickly dodged it and the mug came crashing on the wall. He quickly ran to his room and shut the door. His mother ran after him and knocked on his door angrily. She walked back to meet Jummy in the sitting room. Dont worry my dear. He will surely become yours. Tell your mum that everything will be settled. She consoled jummy. Okay ma. Jummy said and left. Segun overheard all what his mum said to Jummy. Does that mean that her parents are connected to mine. No way am gonna date such girl. Nike is the right person for me. he said angrily. WATCH OUT FOR PART 11 Segun came out of his room dressed in a sky blue long sleeves shirt with a black jacket on a black varsace pant trouser and a black paul smith pimpsole shoe. He was looking cute and handsome with his sunshade. He got out into the compound looked at himself in the side mirror of the Nissan Murano parked outside, feeling satisfied with his looks he walked out of the gate and headed towards the junction of his street. He boarded a bus towards Agodi GRA. He dropped in the bus-stop and walked towards the GRA. He got outside the gate and dialled Nikes number. Hello, where are you?. she said from the other end. Am at the gate. he informed. Segun could hear her scream and telling some people that he is around. The gate opened and she stepped out. Happy birthday. he said. Thanks. she replied smilling. They both walked in with Segun carrying a bag pack. They walked towards the garden behind the house where tables and chairs were arranged. She took Segun to a section of the garden where some guys and girls are seated. She introduced them as her classmates in school. She took him to another part where her cousins and distant family members were seated before they rounded up the introduction spree at the section where her neighbours were seated. Good afternoon sir. he greeted postrating. Segun, i thought you wouldnt come. How are you? Am fine sir. he replied. Nike led him back into the garden. He sat down on an empty seat while Nike quickly ordered refreshments for him. Nike left him occassionally to welcome her guests. At exactly 12pm the party was declared opened by Ambrose(Nikes big bro). The party continued until when the celebrant was called upon to cut the cake in company of two best friend of hers. Nike got up and walked towards the stage. She collected the microphone and called on Segun and Matilda (her cousin). The cake was cut and photographs were taken. The dj began showing his skills by playing varieties of party nigerian hip-hop music. Everyone present was tempted to dance. Nikes dad beckoned on Segun to come to his table. He asked him personal questions like his family background and future ambition before the man dropped the bomb by asking Segun a life and direct question which requires a quick answer. Is it true that you love my princess? the man asked. We are just friends sir. Segun replied. Friends? I heard your good deeds and the way you saved her from that rascal. he said. I just did what anybody in my shoes will do. Segun explained. But you took a great risk by standing up against those guys and i must commend you. he said extending his hands for a handshake. Thank you sir. Segun said shaking hands with him. But ill want you to think about dating my daughter because she has been disturbing me and i get my daughter the best things. he explained. Okay sir. Segun replied. They both continued discussing until the celebrant showed face. Dad. Excuse me i want to dance with him. Nike said smiling. Oh! You are free to. her father replied. She took Segun by the hand and dragged him to the dance floor despite Segun pleading to be freed as he doesnt know how to dance. Immediately they got to the dance floor, everybody left for their seats to watch the celebrant dance. Nike, please i dont know how to dance. Segun whispered. Please just shake your body in line with the beat. She pleaded. I will just be making a fool of myself. he stressed further. Segun please. she pleaded. Okay. he replied. Segun tried his possible best to dance in line with the rythm while Nike danced perfectly as if she was born to dance. The rest of the guest joined them in dancing and when the dance floor became rowdy, Segun had to pull out and he walked to a seat without notifying Nike. He sat down on an empty seat and brought out his phone. Hey! she called. Hello. he replied. Can i sit with you? she asked. Why not? he replied pointing to another empty chair. My name is Mercy and you? she said sitting down. My name is Segun. he replied. So you are my cousins boyfriend? she asked smiling. No, am just a friend. he replied. Dont tell me that. You need to see how Nike talks about you every now and then. she told him. Segun kept mute trying to digest what he just heard. Tell me, dont you feel something for her? she asked. I do but that doesnt mean ill make it known to her. Segun lied. Be right back let me get you something to drink. she said and ran towards the main house to get him a drink. Nike walked towards him with an angry face. Nike approached Segun with anger written all over her face. Why did you leave me alone on the dance floor? she asked. The place has become over crowded. he explained. And that made you leave without telling me? she asked. Mercy returned with a bottle of wine and two glass cups. Guess you guys have met yourselves. Nike said. Yeah. Segun replied. I think i should leave you guys to your discussion. Mercy said taking her leave. What about the wine? Segun asked. You two use it and step down. mercy replied laughing. Naughty girl. Nike said. Silence took over the atmosphere between them. Segun. she called. Yes. he replied. Do you know you suprised me today? she asked. No i dont. Why? he replied. I never believed youll come. she replied. Nothing can stop me from coming to your party. he replied. I really appreciate your coming. she said. Segun unhooked his bagpack and brought out a parcel wrapped with a gift wrapper. She collected it and opened it in his presence. Wow! This is beautiful. she said smilling. In her hand is a wrist watch and a necklace. She held his hands in hers and looked into his eyes, tears dropped from her eyes. Segun was suprised seeing her cry. She quickly removed her hands. Am sorry. she said wiping the tears with her hands. They continued their chit-chat until Segun announced he wanted to leave. How i wish you dont leave. she said sadly. Me too. But i have no choice. he replied. Come and inform daddy that you are going. she advised. They both stood up and headed to the main house. They entered the sitting room and found her parents watching a news programme on channels. Daddy, am leaving.. he said. So soon? her mother asked. Yes ma, i have some things to attend to. he explained. Okay. she replied. Let me call someone to drive you home. her father said. Ill sort my self out sir. Segun replied. Nike go and get him a take away. her mum commanded. Dont bother ma. segun replied. They both walked out of the house into the street heading towards the bus/stop. Some minutes later, Nikes phone rang and checking the caller, she discovered it was Emmanuel. She removed her phone and checked the caller. It was Emmanuel, Segun urged her to pick it and activate loudspeaker mode. Hello. she greeted calmly. You have just drawn the battle line. I promise you that one of us gats to cry at the end. I dated you for a whole year without cheating but because you have found a guy of your social level you jilted me and clinged unto him. I tell you are gonna regret it. he shouted from the other end. Emma what nonsense are you saying? I thought you have broken up with me. she asked. Me saying nonsense? I broke up with you doesnt mean i have cleared you to have another relationship. he replied. Mr man shut up and stop saying rubbish. Segun said. Wow! So you are there with her? I promise youll cry. Emma said. They continued in their hot verbal exchange before Segun angrily cut the call. This guy is a beast. Segun said irritatedly. They got to the bus/stop and Segun hopped into a waiting cab. Thanks for making my day. Nike said. Its nothing. Segun replied. THIRTY FIVE MINUTES LATER SEGUN GOT HOME Welcome bro. Mary greeted. How are you? he asked. Am fine. she replied. Is mummy back? he asked. Yes. Where did you go? she asked with concern. A friends birthday. he said and left for his room. He got to his room changed his clothes and took a shower. He laid down to take a nap then he started reminiscing of the incidents of the day. Ranging from the way Nike introduced him to other guests, Nikes dads questions, their(Nike and him) conversation. What could have cause this girl to shed tears? he asked himself before nature did his work by taking him to the wonderland. TWO HOURS LATER HIS MOTHER WAS BACK. Bro Segun. Mary called knocking on his door. He woke up and opened the door for her. She stood at the door post and delivered the message. Mummy wants you downstairs. she informed. But why cant you tell her am sleeping? he asked angrily. I told her but she wouldnt listen. Mary explained. Okay, tell her am coming. he said with a tone of dismissal. He shut his door and went into the bathroom to rinse his face. He came out minutes later and headed for the sitting room. Welcome ma. he greeted as he descended the stairs. Where did you go today? she asked. I went to a friends place. he replied. So because of a friend you refused going on a proposed date with your girlfriend? You are a disappointment. his mother said angrily. I have told you times without number, it is over between Jummy and I. he explained. It is a must you date her. she replied. But mum, why are you so concerned about me dating this girl? Moreso, you once told me, she doesnt fit me. he asked his mum. You want to know why? she asked. Yes. he answered. Ill tell you. she replied and cleard her throat. WATCH OUT FOR PART 12
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 19:42:11 +0000

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