Must read!! !! Job was a man greatly blessed by God even - TopicsExpress


Must read!! !! Job was a man greatly blessed by God even through his trials he stood firm in faith and strong in character. He was a man that was blameless and upright, one who feared God and shunned evil. If you are going through hardships right now and you dont know how to get through it, learn from Job. In one day, Job lost: 1. His oxen, donkeys, and their servants to Sabean raiders (500 oxen and 500 female donkeys) 2. His sheep and their servants to fire from God from heaven. (7000 sheep) 3. His camel and their servants to Chaldean raiders (3000 Camel) 4. His sons and daughters are killed in a tornado (7 sons and 3 daughters) Jobs response: He mourns, of course, tears his robe shaves his head, falls to the ground BUT then he worships. Job then gets tested again, but this time it was his health that was afflicted to the point just short of death. He was covered in boils so badly that he was unrecognisable, and his friends were in such disbelief that they couldnt even utter a word to him for 7 days and 7 nights. The wife of Job loses faith and tells her own husband, curse God and die! , but job still remained faithful, in all of this Job did not sin nor charge God with wrong. GOD THEN BLESSING JOB WITH A DOUBLE PORTION OF WHAT HE LOST!!! Jobs latter DAYS were more blessed more than his beginning, his livestock is doubled (14000 sheep, 6000 camels, 1000 yoke of oxen, 1000 female donkeys). He is blessed with 7 sons and 3 beautiful daughters, the latter to whom he provided an inheritance along with their brothers. He also lived for 140 years, saw descendants to the fourth generation,and died full of days. God is a God of love and Satan actually caused all the pain and suffering. He was the accuser and brought about the harm. God will never turn his back on you, if youre going through a tough time, everything is going to be okay. Dont run from God, run to him. Blessed Friday friends, much love xx
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 08:35:29 +0000

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