Mustafa the one-legged little boy -a true - TopicsExpress


Mustafa the one-legged little boy -a true story- ========================\ (επανάληψη/repetition) He was a one-legged little boy roaming the streets every single day of the week and begging for a piaster from the passers-by. He was spic and span, with his well brushed ebony hair and huge expressive eyes looking you directly in the face that nobody could refuse giving him some piasters . He would take the money and smile back politely - “shoukran” I would meet him coming and going from school year after year and would sometimes give him my old books or some coloured pencils. Everybody helped him because they saw a very dignified little boy and later-on young man... As the years went by I sometimes stopped for a kind word and discovered his thirst for learning. Once, as I -passed by, he stopped me very politely and with a whisper asked me if I could teach him to read and write. Embarrassed his eyes looked down. Please Miss can you help me?? - I dont know arabic I answered only English and Greek! I was then about 15 and he was some years younger . Oh I dont mind. Any language is OK he told me... He would come to my house at exactly 8 in the evening and wait patiently for me to help him into the elevator. He studied so much and so hard that I couldnt follow him..... I didnt need to check him ...He always knew more than I did!!! In a years time he could read all my school books of history geography or literature but for him it was not enough! He became a member of the American Library and used to sit there from morning to night browsing through any book he would lay hands on! When the time came for me to leave Egypt and go to University he was extremely sad... He gave me his address and we corresponded frequently. I was surprised to see his progress in the English language and his thirst for further learning. As the years went by we lost touch but I could never forget how much he yearned for education He could starve but never stopped buying books. And then suddenly one day after a period of about 15 years, I received a phone call. He was in Greece and wanted to meet me Completely taken aback I immediately accepted hoping with all my heart to see him well and happy. I waited impatiently to meet my first student and thoughts of all kinds troubled me but I was not to wait for long. He arrived with his British bride in a white Mercedes, a broad smile on his face, more handsome than ever! He briskly walked up to me and hugged me hard. Without you, he said, I wouldnt have followed my dream! Thanks ever so much! Mustafa had become a widely known orthopedic surgeon and lived in Manchester England. Where there is a will there is a way
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 06:19:30 +0000

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