Mutant Mayhem Subject: DESTINY Real Name: Irene Adler - TopicsExpress


Mutant Mayhem Subject: DESTINY Real Name: Irene Adler DNAnalysis: Destiny was a mutant that had the ability of psionic precognition, to see future probabilities and interpret them to best select or manipulate what was likely to happen. This allowed her to compensate for her blindness by seeing where objects in her path would be. The accuracy of Destinys ability to foresee the future decreases in direct proportion to the distance ahead in time. She carried a small crossbow with her that she used offensively, and had good aim because she saw where it would land in her precognitive visions. In Necrosha, Destiny was shown to utilize telepathic abilities as she mentally searched for Rogue (instead finding Blindfold) and then projecting her image into Blindfolds mind. This was explained later that she had fragments of the mutant Proteus inside her. After making physical contact with Blindfold, Proteus appeared to take full possession of Blindfold and vacate Destinys body. As such, she may or may not still have telepathy. Profile: Irene Adler was born in Salzburg, Austria. Mystique was working as a consulting detective when Destiny sought her help in understanding the precognitive visions recorded in her diaries. During this time, the two fell in love. Background details suggest that this meeting took place around 1900. She was more accurate in predicting near-future events concerning her present environment. In a period of 12 months during her adolescence, Irene had produced 13 volumes of prophecies concerning the late 20th and early 21st centuries. When that period ended, Irene was left physically blind and haunted by disturbing images of uncertain meaning. She enlisted Ravens services in pursuit of two goals: the deciphering of her recorded prophecies and a mission to prevent the most terrifying of them from ever being fulfilled. The two women would soon become lifelong friends and lovers. They both discovered that their set goals were difficult to achieve. Their abilities would easily allow them to achieve personal success but to shape the future was stated to be next to impossible as it would require social engineering. Although they remained romantically involved for years to come, there were periods in which the two women were separated from one another, allowing them both to have other romantic relationships and even families. Together, the two would later raised adopted daughter Rogue in their home in fictional Caldecott County, Mississippi. They remained together until Destinys death. In 1946, a Dr. Nathan Milbury (apparently Mister Sinister in disguise) was involved with Project: Black Womb, a secret government project headed by Amanda Mueller and aided by Alexander Ryking (father of Carter Ryking), Brian Xavier (Professor Xs father), Kurt Marko (father of Juggernaut), and Irene Adler[citation needed]. In the 2008 series X-Men: Legacy, Xavier is searching to find out more about this project and its influence on his (and Juggernauts) life. From recent issues, it appears at least Kurt Marko believed their research would result in immortality. Mystique and Destiny formed the second Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, a group of ideologically-motivated terrorists. She attempted to assassinate Senator Robert Kelly with a crossbow, but was thwarted by the X-Men and taken into custody. She was rescued from Rykers Island along with the rest of the Brotherhood, but ended up battling the Avengers and Spider-Woman and was recaptured. She predicted Rogues disappearance from Mystiques custody. She observed, but did not participate in, one of the Brotherhoods last skirmishes with the X-Men. Eventually Mystique and Rogue engineered an escape for the Brotherhood. Rom the Spaceknight defeated the escape attempt but Destiny was rescued by Rogue and Mystique. Eventually, the members of Mystiques Brotherhood went to work for the United States government as Freedom Force in exchange for a pardon and protection from anti-mutant sentiment. She apprehended Magneto alongside Freedom Force in that groups first mission for the United States government. She assisted Freedom Force in taking the Avengers into custody at the Vault. She participated in Freedom Forces attempted arrest of the X-Men, during which she foresaw the death of the X-Men during the Fall of the Mutants. While on a mission with Freedom Force to Muir Island to stop the Reavers, Destiny was killed by Legion, who was being influenced at the time by the Shadow King. Shortly before her death, she predicted that Mystique would become romantically involved with Forge, and although the pair loathed each other at the time, they did develop a brief relationship while both were members of X-Factor. Mystique scatters Destinys ashes at sea. Mystique later protects a young mutant named Trevor Chase who addressed her as Auntie Raven strongly implying that Chase was Destinys grandson. It is not certain whether Chases mother was born before Mystique and Destiny became lovers or whether, like Mystique, Destiny had a child during the course of their relationship. After getting hold of the Technarch transmode virus, Selene resurrected Destiny so she could question Irene about what her future holds. After telling Selene what she wants to hear, Destiny is taken back to her cell, where she telepathically contacts Blindfold by accident when she was trying to reach her foster daughter Rogue. After showing Blindfold she means no harm and saving her life from falling rubble caused by Warpath, she gives Blindfold information about Selene. However, after breaking contact, she realizes she may have made a grave mistake. The mistake is revealed to be Proteus who is now in possession of Blindfold. Rogue, along with a group of X-Men go to Muir Island to battle Proteus, and it is through the combined efforts of Rogue, Magneto and Psylocke that he is defeated. Afterwards Destiny explains to Blindfold that she is not her mother, as the other previously considered, but a distant relative. Destiny then takes a moment to share a final good-bye with her foster daughter, before eventually leaving in order to supposedly die at the end of the storyline.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Apr 2014 00:08:37 +0000

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