My 11th Imagine--> JongUp Lovely Complex Parody (PART 1) -At - TopicsExpress


My 11th Imagine--> JongUp Lovely Complex Parody (PART 1) -At Class- Teacher Yoo Jaesuk was teaching in the front but these five people are not concentrating in class. Wonder who they are? They are you, Daehyun, Luna, Yongguk and Ji eun. This is what you guys are doing. Luna was passing love latter to daehyun. Daehyun at that time was reading book (It’s comic actually) When he got that latter he open it. “ Daehyn-ah I love you” From Luna He looked at Luna and smile. Luna smile back and waving her hand at him. Daehyun just nod his head and touch his glasses. LoL Yongguk and Ji eun ware chatting at the back of class. They were look at clothes catalog at that time. Ju eun: Oppa, Will you buy this for me? (Point at catalog) Yongguk: What will you do for me in return? Ju eun: Let me see… (Thinking) Emm… Anything! Yongguk: I’ll buy it for you. (Gummy smile) Ji eun: Really? Yongguk: Nae… (Pat Ji eun hair) Meanwhile you were sleeping at class. You really hate mathematic class that’s why you can’t concentrate. So, you just take a nap for a while. You are even snoring then Teacher Yoo notices it he come to you and knock your desk. But that knocking sound don’t even bother you. Teacher Yoo: (Knock your table) ____(y/n) Wake up! You: Zzzzzz Teacher Yoo: Yaaa! Wake up! (Rise his voice) Jongup: That’s not enough to wake her up. Teacher Yoo: Will you wake her up? Jongup: You have to do like this to wake her up! (Kicking your desk) You: (Your forehead were bump into your desk) Ouch! (Touching your forehead) Jongup: Wake up! You idiot! You: Did you just kick my desk? Jongup: That what it takes to wake you up. You: Why do you have to? (Annoying with jongup) Ji eun: (Watching you both quarrelling) Omo… They’re perfect for each other. You and Jongup : No! We are not! Daehyun: And in perfect synch! You and Jongup: No! We’re not! (Talked at same time again) Luna: Yes! You are! You and Jongup: No! Its coincidence! You: (Look at jongup) don’t copy me shorty! Jongup: Don’t call me “shorty” you beanstalk! You: Yaa! Don’t talk like that to a lady! Jongup: Don’t talk like that to a gentleman! You: You are gentleman? (Point your finger to his head) Jongup: (Push your hand) and you are lady?? You: Shut up! First grader! Jongup: Shut up! Volleyball player! You: Drink milk and grow taller! You are getting annoying with jongup. So do him. Jongup: Get a plane and shave off some height! You: Start carrying Kiddy backpacks! Jongup: Shut Up! You… Teacher Yoo: YOU TWO! THAT’S ENOUGH!!!!!!! (Shouted) You and jongup: (Immediately silent) Jongup: Sorry… it is enough. (Sit on his chair) You: You shouldn’t get so edgy. It’ll get humid inside your wig. You said to your teacher. Then, all your classmate were laughing. Teacher Yoo: (Mental Breakdown) this isn’t a wig… (Touched his wig) This isn’t a wig… Jongup: (Whisper to you) Yaa! You shouldn’t say things like that. Just pretend that you don’t notice. You: You think so? Jongup: (Nod his head) Then, you took a look at Teacher Yoo. He still in mental breakdown condition… Aigoo… poor him. haha TBC...
Posted on: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 14:22:37 +0000

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