My 1st thinking about the ODM proposed line up that was born out - TopicsExpress


My 1st thinking about the ODM proposed line up that was born out of negotiated democracy a week ago in Naivasha and the effects of elevating Ababu Namwamba to SG seat: **** 1. There is has been an urge to unite Luhyas and vote in one basket. An initiative that has been garnering momentum and heat, thanks to the Jubilee outside wed lock kids (Musalia, Jirongo, Eugene, Kombo etc). They had capitalized on wrangles in ODM with an aim of chopping off Railas and by extension ODM fans base in Luhyaland. By Raila giving in to Ababus demands, the steam has been deflated. The Jubilee out growers have nothing left to run around in the name of Luhya unity. They are now united to congratulate Ababu for getting SG seat. This reinforces the grip of Raila support in Luhyaland while leaving the scavengers with no green grass to feed on. 2. Ababus elevations means Raila has 2 centers of power in Luhyaland, thats Senator Wetangula and his new SG designate. Something that may not work well in CORD umbrella. Wetangula is automatically seeing this SG position as his check mate planted on him by Raila his CORDs co principal. I am afraid, it gonna rock the unity of CORD. As a coalition partner, Raila was to help Wetangula galvanize his grip in Luhyaland political base by not seen as fighting him on grass roots support base but to encourage FORD Kenya (FK) to take firm route. Promotion of Ababu means, Raila is still interested in encroaching FK fans base in Luhya land. Thus fighting and weakening FK in Luhyaland. ***** The decision lies with Raila to choose between Wetangula and Ababu. You cant have 2 bulls in one room and expect a united mounting game with no injuries!
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 09:17:36 +0000

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