My 2 Cents of Sense: HOW DEEP DOES THE RABBIT HOLE GO? Back in - TopicsExpress


My 2 Cents of Sense: HOW DEEP DOES THE RABBIT HOLE GO? Back in 2012, before the re-election of Barack Obama into a second term, I wrote a very long My 2 Sense article which I had spent months investigating. A few of you may remember it, as it was titled Americas Emperor: Barack Hussein Obama with a picture of Obama dressed like Julius Caesar captioned at the end. Unfortunately, FaceBook wasnt too thrilled with it, as they deleted ALL of my My 2 Sense articles from the beginning in 2006 when the Democrats took over Congress. It was my fault for not backing them up properly, having far too much confidence in FB than I should had, but thats all water under the bridge now as the articles can never be retrieved, or Id re-post that one in particular. The reason why I bring this up at this time is because a good friend here on FB, DW Ulsterman, a writer and reporter who brought us many of those White House & DHS Insider reports, just released a lengthy article about how Obama was crowned King of America months before he was even elected into the White House. His article parallels my 2012 one rather closely, so its good to finally see someone backing up what I discovered through simple detective work that anyone could have figured out. The only difference in these two articles is that I call Obama an emperor, while DW calls Obama a king. I was called names, and DW is called a hero... guess I need to start writing books, too? But the facts that lead to the coronation remain the same, either way. America, we were sold out a long time ago, and today, these people dont give a damn if we know it or not because, what are we really going to do about it now that the damage has already been done? Their butts are covered, ours is not, by a long shot! Not so long ago, the globalists didnt want us to know what they were doing. Everything was kept under tight wraps and security. ANY leaked information was quickly dispelled by the media, which they had in their back pocket. Globalists are the same ones who own the banks, financial institutions, big industries of oil, pharma, chemical, and mega-manufacturing, the media, the arts (including Hollywood, music, publishing, and network TV), and education (such as IVY League universities). Thanks to people like Aaron Russo, Alex Jones, and Dr Ron Paul, among others, the Bilderberg Group, the Council for Foreign Relations, the Group of 30, and the Tri-Lateral Commission have been exposed, as well as their detailed plans for our control and population reduction, now have been laid out for all to see. But the media fell silent, and condemned everyone who brought any of their plans into light. Sure, they now acknowledge the groups existence, but what goes on inside is still held as classified as the Manhattan Project. Those trying to leak info from within have met with a tragic accident or found hanging in their bathroom with a suicide note pinned to their clothes. Today, I really dont think they now care we know who they are, or what their plans are, because they have taken the ball over the top, as it run freely downhill on its own with nothing able to stop its momentum nor crash horrifically when it reaches bottom. I can spend all day talking about the globalists and their plans for Americas destruction, but you can do your own research to become more informed on your own. These people dont control the Internet, not just yet, so the information is there, if you know where to look. You do know that most of the Presidents in the past 100 years have been placed by the globalists, dont you? Actually, both candidates (R & D) are pre-chosen, should one actually lose by some fluke, the other is there to carry on the objectives. Ronald Reagan wasnt supposed to win, in fact, their guy was GW Bush, the doorman for the NWO... but thats another story for another time. The globalists didnt know if Obama was ready for the job, as Hillary was their front-runner. But Bill made waves, and they werent 100% sure Hillary could win. Even though McCain would carry their torch, he picked Sarah Palin as his VP nomination, going against the grain and creating a major hurdle for them to have to now jump. Palin was Dangerous, spelled with a capital D, for their plans, and they had to make sure that the McCain-Palin ticket would derail. Obama and Hillary met secretly with the Bilderberg Group one night under the biggest vale of secrecy every pulled over the media in decades. No one knew where either candidate had disappeared to, and when they finally emerged, Hillary announced to the world that she was dropping from the race to turn it over to Barack Obama. She was given the option of VP, but refused it. Secretary of State would keep her out of America and away from Bill. Her turn would come in 2016, as all her debt from months of campaigning were suddenly erased, and the globalist could now pursue with their game plan for Americas final curtain call as the fat lady warmed up her vocal chords. Palin was easy to take care of, as their No. 1 network, NBC, did a magical job of making Sarah look like an idiot. But, polls still showed McCain having a huge lead, and a lot of money was needed if they still planned to pull the rabbit out of this hat. Where else to get money than from their old buddies at the Federal Reserve? Any time they need cash, the Reserve was always there to write them a check, no matter how big or small the amount needed, they got. Remember after Clinton left the White House that over $5.35 trillion vanished? Congress blew a fuse, but it was quickly blamed on Republicans for squandering it, so the media and public never heard much about it, as it was quickly and quietly swept under the rug. Remember just the day before 9-11, Donald Rumsfeld screamed about $3.5 trillion vanishing from the Pentagon? This is all on record, so you can verify it if you need to. Im sure there are times when smaller amounts were withdrawn, but those are the two Im most familiar with, that is until September 18, 2008. Ive told this story once, as many of you may not be familiar with the truth of how over $500 billion vanished in less than 2 hours to use part in getting Obama elected. Who knows where the other part went, but it sure wasnt invested in McCain, nor Americas prosperous future. Remember T.A.R.P... a group of programs created and run by the U.S. Treasury to stabilize the country’s financial system, restore economic growth and prevent foreclosures in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis through purchasing troubled companies’ assets and equity? The Troubled Asset Relief Program initially gave the Treasury purchasing power of $700 billion to buy illiquid mortgage-backed securities and other assets from key institutions in an attempt to restore liquidity to the money markets. The fund was created on October 3, 2008 with the passage of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act. The Dodd-Frank Act later reduced the $700 billion authorization to $475 billion. This was part of the replacement. Who knows how the rest will get replaced, if ever. That is why our dollar is valueless and about to collapse... but again, that is another story for another time. Remember when congress said, (paraphrased) Some members were told in secret by some pretty high-up people that if the bill isnt passed, then the stocks will fall by 2000 points the first day, more the next, the economy will collapse, and martial law will be declared? Well, they meant every word. Its easy to blackmail when you hold a gun to the nations economy. The people involved in this theft now have nice cushy jobs in Obamas administration, as the list of criminals is endless, and not a one has been held accountable, even though half of our congressmen and senators knows it, or maybe even played a part in it, Im not sure. The rabbit hole goes very deep on this one. If I wasnt looking, Id swear this administration has become a modern day Al Capone syndication, as America is now run by nothing but Chicagoan gangsters. Better look at it again! Ill let DW Ulsterman fill you in on the cold hard facts in this article that you MUST read and SHARE with everyone you know, in every group, and in your discussion with those who think Obama walks on water. The truth MUST be told in order for the American people to unite to toss these criminals in jail where they belong, and even though Eric Holder thinks its racist to say, TO TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK! BTW, Holder in one of the main mobsters in all this... are you surprised? Thank you for your support. Bless all who fights for justice! Written By: Jim Hovda ulstermanbooks/day-barack-obama-made-king-september-18th-2008/
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 01:19:54 +0000

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