My 2 Cents of Sense: ONLY THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE Do you - TopicsExpress


My 2 Cents of Sense: ONLY THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE Do you accept the governments story of 9-11? Did the 9-11 Commission really uncover the truth? Few have dug deep into this horrible event because: 1) they accept what they have been told, and 2) they dont want to believe in a conspiracy involving our own government. Because, our government is to protect and serve the people of America...thats how we were raised to believe. Few want to dig into the rabbit hole because of laziness or afraid what they may find. The truth rarely lays on the surface, one must dig deep in order to find it. As this ex-fireman said about the media, they are a corporation owned by the same people who control the government, as their job is to protect those who pay their salary, and be the main source of propaganda and dis-information to appease the questions from the masses. They not only will hide the truth, but will steer us in a direction far from it to prevent the truth from being told. So why do so many remain silent you may ask? Some ARE silent today because dead men tell no tales (check out the story of the man who was head of security in Building #7, from what he saw and reported, to what happened to him the very next day). The rest? Money can buy a very tight lip, so does a threat to not only yourself, but more of your loved ones (ask Glenn Beck or Andrew Breitbart). When your identity can be wiped clean in one stoke of a computer, or when your identity can be created to be a evil ex-con who murdered their family by the same stroke, you tend to do as you are told. Its like this, a man who works for the Powers That Be as a muscle, who makes offers in which one cant refuse, approaches and says, In one pocket I hold the riches of your dreams... fame, glory, wealth... whatever you desire, but in the other pocket I hold a gun that has a bullet with your name on it, and one with each of your familys name. Which pocket do you chose? You have one minute to decide! This is not a fictitious story, as many in government, industry, media, and finance have been approached. What do you think their response was? Are you beginning to understand how we are where we are in America today? The truth is out there, as it is uncovered in small pieces... not enough to make a full picture to show the world, but once all the pieces are put together, the picture becomes very clear. The problem is in selling it to the ignorant and those who wont think outside the box. Dig deep, my friend, and separate the facts from fiction, then assemble what you learn into a pile and begin to put it all together. The result may shock you, but the whos, whats, whys, and hows will be even more shocking. And if you refuse to accept, and continue to believe the government and media, you are on your own with our blessings. But if you believe what you discover, then show someone else, and continue showing it, for the truth MUST get told IF we ever plan to right the wrongs to take back America as she should be. For the lie is enslavement... only the truth shall set us free! ~ Jim Hovda https://youtube/watch?v=nQrpLp-X0ws#t=621
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 17:35:33 +0000

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