My 2 Cents of Sense: PRAYING WONT MAKE IT ALL GO AWAY Im trying - TopicsExpress


My 2 Cents of Sense: PRAYING WONT MAKE IT ALL GO AWAY Im trying really hard to side with those like Glenn Beck and Mark Levin on our ever expanding global chaos. Men as them are great in their leadership and ability to move a crowd with their message, but sometimes I have to question if its worth it, or is it just a wishful hope of faith? They point out that we must get the world right through peaceful means, that the MLK and Gandhi solutions serve man the best through truth and enlightenment. Well, this is all good when presented as they do, but is it reality? The true Christian/Jewish and American way is through peaceful solutions. Negotiate to find a common cause and a common solution. Faith, love, and hope are the real answer, because hate, jealousy, and aggression will only compound the problem to not ever reach a solution. This may be true, in a idealistic way, but look at who our foes are, what their intent is, and how far they are willing to go to win. They are neither Christian, Jewish, nor American in ideology. Do they wish to negotiate with us? Not in the least way! They want us gone and out of their way. It makes no difference with whom we are referring to, because our foes only solution to their problem is their final solution for us once and for all... our death, and every part of our heritage erased. Does Beck, Levin, and the rest who believe in peace and strength through faith, honestly think that the radical Islamics will lay down their arms before Israel and America are obliterated? As we watch, Christian children are slaughtered begging for their lives, these warriors of Satan love what they are doing. Evil is a drug for them, and they are highly addicted to it like a hooker on smack. How in the right mind of any good person could they hate so much as to rape children then cut off their heads as a trophy? How can anyone negotiate with people like that? You cant, and you never will! You have to understand who these people are, what drives them, and what their end game plan is. Most are young, Id say under 35, who have been brainwashed since birth to hate and to kill for a cause. These people are not rational, not logical, and they certainly are not religious to the same God as the rest of religions are. No God of Abraham would permit such evil, therefore, they must be of the Religion of Satan. Only the Devil would allow lies, deceit, theft, rape, murder, and worse, in his name. And we have one as our President. Negotiate that! Islam isnt the only problem America faces. Marxists, Communists, Socialists, Progressives, Alinskyites, and Atheists have infiltrated our way of life and our governments. These groups may have their slight differences, like Baptists and Pentecostals have in religious philosophy, but their goal is the same... their complete victory and our total defeat. They can, for the time, exist among each other, but they cannot exist along with us in any shape, size, or fashion. Their common interest binds them into one, and this is why there are so many of them now because they have joined forces together for our demise. Theyll hash out their personal differences later, something we have yet to learn. One of the main battle strategies in warfare is to divide the enemy to conquer it. And this is exactly what they have done to us. We spend about as much time, if not more, arguing about our petty difference among ourselves as we do attacking the real enemies here. Look at the Republican Party today, now look at the Democrat Party... see the huge difference? They disagree on many principles with each other, yet this is not their main point of argument, but they do agree on but one together, how to get rid of us, permanently. You seeing my point? Though the RINOs are the same as progressives, who are a tad less extreme as Marxists, their end game is globalism and an end to freedom and liberty as we have known it. They are the only Republicans who can work with Democrats because they are the same. We TEA Party Republicans are missing the boat, here. So long as the GOP is divided, we will always lose the big league rookie players to the established ones. The cards will always be played, but the deck always stacked in their favor. You wait until November, little will change. We are divided into black, white, and Hispanic (where are the Asians, I wonder, in all this); rich and poor; fat and skinny; educated and dumb; man and women (and now combined into one); blonde and brunette; young and old... we have been tossed into categories and told anyone else is the enemy. Through the media, publishings, music, and film institutes, the public fell for it. They created the enemies to remove themselves from the Enemy List. Just a few in America, and the world, actually knows who the real enemies are, what they are doing, and why. The rest thinks its all some sort of conspiracy. Conspiracies do not end up with people in jail, spied upon, silenced through fear, corrupted into following, and killed for defiance. Ill categorize all these un-American, un-Constitutional, and un-Holy zealot groups of tyranny and oppression into Leftists to make it simple. These Leftists are just as ideologically driven as the radical Islamics, they just havent gotten to the point of slicing off heads, yet. So how do you negotiate and find peace with that? As much as I love Beck, Levin, and the Gandhi/MLK philosophy of peace, Im sorry, but I have to take the Alex Jones approach to finding a complete solution to all this, because what it all has come down to is that its either them or us. The only good Commie and Muzzie is a dead one! Negotiate that! I dont hold a candle to you patriot freedom fighters who sacrificed in Nam, Kuwait, Korea, WWII, Iraq, or Afghanistan as what you all have seen and went through to protect liberty. Regardless of the cause or outcome, war is truly Hell, and will forever leave its footprint on ones soul. I hate it as much as any, but there is a reason for it, and always a victor. But WWII didnt completely eradicate Nazism. The Cold War didnt completely wipe out Communism. Nam never made the Mid-Asian countries free. Kuwait never stopped Saddam. Iraq and Afghanistan didnt unite to free the Mideast, only drove it deeper into Caliphate. Our wars only slowed the progression, as it revived with a vengeance, and a drive to eliminate us and what our ideology of freedom and liberty stands for. The only way to eliminate any threat to the current dilemma, or one of the future, is total annihilation... extermination of the whole group, and never let a start again to flourish and thrive. Can we negotiate to find harmony in lies, deceit, harlotry, threats, humiliation, theft, rape, murder, and mayhem? These are who these people are! Sure, we cannot lower ourselves to their ways, its un-American and anti-Christian, isnt it? Its sure not the way of Gandhi nor Martin Luther King, nor Glenn Beck or Mark Levin. They think we can vote the monsters out, but they will never go away even if we could. Centuries, not decades, will have to be spent on the entire world to re-educate them on truth, justice, and the civil ways of humanity... and then, there are no guarantees. Give me the odds that radical Islam, Communism, Nazism, or Alinsky progressivism would never again try to rise up! So long as there is a slight breath of their ideological principle remaining, there will be those who promote it and try to fundamentally transform the world into this way of life. The globalists want us to war, because they always benefit the most. They eventually get what they want in the end. And God knows that the world will never wise up enough to rise up against them, because they own and control just about everything. And when you own it to give, you own it to take away. Fear of without keeps many on an even keel. But the globalists do have the answers to the final solution of the world. But most, if not all, will not like where it will take us as a human species. There are many who have been promised the moon if they help them in making the opposition comply, but with all great powers, in the end, they will be among the first to go by their masters hand. The threat of reprisal or dominance usually gets rid of those on the higher end of the food chain, first, to remove any possibility or future threat which could occur. Follow organized crime (the Syndicate) to understand how these people operate. The lower end of the chain is expendable. Thats us, folks! We can negotiate and work on a peaceful solution all we want, but it wont ever change because these people on the Left refuse to compromise. Oh, they may give us scraps to pacify us for a while, but until they exterminate us, or place us into slavery, while they eradicate any of our past heritage, we will never be free of their war on conservatism, Christianity/Judaism, free enterprise, Constitutional liberty, Americanism and patriotism. We have to do to them before they do unto us... that Is the ONLY final solution to our problem, like it or not. Pray all you want, have faith in us all you need, believe a loving extended hand of friendship solves all problems, and well be singing Swing Low, Sweet Chariot for the rest of our days. Personally, Id rather leave them nothing than to give them something. Id rather see every last patriot and believer of God to die with a gun and Bible in his hands than to turn mankind over as slaves to these masters of evil. For if we shall not fight for freedom and liberty today, we will live as slaves and oppressed for generations to come, and that is not what I want to leave as our legacy, nor for our childrens, children to have to bear. Thank you for your support. America... love it, or get the Hell out! Written By: Jim Hovda usatoday30.usatoday/life/movies/news/2006-08-14-chariot_x.htm
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 01:22:52 +0000

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