My 2 Cents of Sense: THE PUPPET OBAMA Well all tend to agree on - TopicsExpress


My 2 Cents of Sense: THE PUPPET OBAMA Well all tend to agree on WHAT Obama is doing, we all know HOW he is doing it through fundamental transformation...but to understand the WHAT and HOW you must know the WHY and WHO is behind it.. Since the day Obama stood before America to give his greatest speech ever at the 2004 Democrat Convention, I became convinced that this black Senator from Illinois would run for, and most likely win, the presidency. I didnt think it would be as soon as it became. I spent many days, even weeks and months investigating this man they call Barack Obama. This was before his records were sealed, and many roads always lead to a dead end. This puzzled me, as the more I tried to find out who he was and who his supporters were; I found the road ending just before merging into conspiracy. What I mean by that is that major funding came from George Soros and the Saudis. William Ayers has ties to not only communism, but with those in power which many call The Powers That Be, or the Illuminati. Many of Obamas closest ties had strings attached to these same people of power. Look at many who surrounds him now in the WH, you will see almost all are in all or part of the CFR, Bilderberg Group, Tri-Lateral Commission, Freemasons, Skull & Bones, etc. Of course today many of these avenues have been deleted, removed to disconnect the connections. I should have been smarter back then to have saved it. Hindsight is 20/20. I didnt investigate the birth certificate because I figured Hillary would do that for us. I should have researched it further, but as we all see today, Obama is made out of Teflon... he cant be scratched, and nothing sticks. Does that make anyone wonder? Presidents enjoy a position of flexibility, but Obama has turned it into rubber... nothing punctures him to cause harm, he is super protected. WHY? Because hes black? Because hes illegal as President? Because hes really a Muslim? Because hes really AC/DC? How about because hes a Manchurian Candidate??? Much of the speculation and rumors in the beginning now seem to be accurate. Lies only can cover the BS so deep, some of the truth eventually surfaces. All it takes is a good investigator and a good puzzle maker to find the right pieces and put them all together to create the big picture. We have seen what happens when someone does and plans to release it, just ask Breitbart, Hastings, and Clancy. Ask Hillary, but she has been promised bigger things in return for her compliance and silence. I think many in the mainstream know, but fear of reprisal and fear of loosing their ratings, job, and family, if not their own lives, have kept them from crossing the line. So long as the general public doesnt accept conspiracy they will shun away from those who say it. We can all we want because who listens to us anyway? Our voice is weak, and only reaches a few who are basically of the same mindset. We have little proof, now, only accusations of suspicion, since the proof has been erased. No man can make his past disappear without a lot of powerful help... even Barry. To understand the American demise, you must find the real source. The American system works, and works efficiently UNLESS it is destroyed from within. Everything is about three things: power, control, wealth. If you follow the trails of each, the end takes you to only one place, and that is to the top of the Pyramid, the all seeing eye. Obama wasnt just lucky to become President, a wrong person at the ripe time, a new face on the label of national reform, a good snake-oil salesmen selling hope & change which the sheeple bought, though all of these do play into this, but under any circumstance, Barry Soetoro has been one of the least likely and qualified person to hold the highest office in the world no matter what the pundits say. The vote had to be rigged because it would be too close, and if it was set up to have a lunatic as an opponent, all the better. Even to this day, Obama has never said or done anything which seems presidential has he? He is scripted, and a puppet on a string. We know Valarie Jarrett calls many of the shots, as she is the link to the WH from Soros and the PTB. Too many Insiders have come forward to tell how big a buffoon and clown Obama is, that he cant make up his mind about anything without first consulting Jarrett, Sunstein, Emanuel, Geithner, or off in the corner on his private cell phone talking to who knows who. Every word he speaks is pre-written by writers, and if not, he stumbles, mumbles, and fumbles the question as to never give a direct answer. Obama is a good little NWO soldier just doing his job well. All we can do is to expose him, and get the media to comply, in some way. Not an easy task, but we have to try. The truth is there, we just need to surface it. People will come forward, not unless fear has them in a hold. The American people must be put into an outrage over the lies and deceit which has been perpetuated against them, so strongly that they demand reform and retaliation against the powers which have plans to destroy us. We can no longer remain of defense, as defense never wins in the game without some form of strong offense by its side. Waking the right people up may just open the eyes of others enough to see the light. If we do nothing, we lose. If we wait until the next elections, it will never come. Too many in the past have sacrificed, too many are in peril today... this nation needs a revolution, and if not by pen, then may it be by sword! Written By: Jim Hovda thefamily/tag/obama-is-a-puppet/ newworldorderwar/barack-obama-is-a-failure-and-a-puppet/
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 19:47:14 +0000

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