My 2 Sense: THE LEFT SEES ANYTHING BUT THE MESSAGE A few years - TopicsExpress


My 2 Sense: THE LEFT SEES ANYTHING BUT THE MESSAGE A few years ago, the American people began to wake up in record numbers. There were quite a few already awake from 9-11. With the way America was headed with Obama, Reid, and Pelosi, those awake jumped out of bed as those just opening their eyes finally realized that they have overslept. In 2008, Americans were discouraged. Sure, there was a Left and a Right side to the American equation, but we had been united after 9-11 in a common cause, to defend freedom and destroy those trying to take it away. The Iraq War saw us march hand in hand to defeat those who had one day decided to shake America by her roots by slapping us in the face with terror and loss of liberty... and as a nation, we were better than that. We have seen horror before, and have always shrugged our shoulders in defiance of it as we locked arms together to take tyranny head on. We were used to setbacks, only to prevail stronger in the end. Many of us at the time didnt see that the tracks had been loosen, prior, before the train came steaming through. For politics had crawled back out of its ugly shell in a hard way in 2005 to begin to divide us into groups of the far Left and the far Right, leaving those in the middle to decide the outcomes. All that had to be done was to convince them, and it was in the bag. Im not one of GW Bushs bigger fans, though he is a Republican, but the Democrats felt as if they were screwed from the White House, not once, but twice by Bush and the Republicans. So they set out on a journey to make Republicans look so bad that those in the middle would flock to the Democrat gate in groves to change America back while setting a new course of restoring what was right in the American way, focusing again on the American dream. The Left used the War as a tool to persuade many that we were loosing the battles, men were dying, the expense too much, and that it was time to bring our boys home before victory was complete. We ousted Saddam... The Taliban were on the run... mission accomplished! The Democrats used every tactic back then, exactly what they accuse us of doing today by using dirty political tricks to stack the cards to win the hand. Their objective was to make Bush and Republicans look as bad as possible, as Nancy Pelosi, with Harry Reid, used the media to their advantage to exploit every little stain on the Republican shirt. One Senator used tax payers money for personal use, another made passes at a young boy, and another was involved in a wreck while drunk with someone else than his wife and covered it up. The Republican scandals came out of the woodworks, and the Democrats proclaimed that this was the kind of leadership you get from voting them in... they can do better! So, in 2006, the Democrats took both the House and Senate. Now all they needed was to secure the Presidency. It would not have made any difference in 2008 whether Hillary or Obama won, wed still be close to this same spot were in today, either way. John McCain was the Republican pigeon, and that bird wasnt meant to fly. Obama promised hope in change. Many bought the promise, as he became the slickest snake-oil salesman of our generation to deceive the American public into putting someone like him, never being vetted, into office. We were bombarded with a promise of transparency, smaller government with a return unification and openness to the political process, lower taxes, less regulations, and to have Americans once again love their government who would, again, work for the people. But in fact, what we got was polar opposite, and a course set forward towards socialism, and as far away from Americanism as possible. America was at a period where we were ripe for an upheaval, as traditional values and patriotic duty were being microwaved because of war, scandals, corruption, high spending, sinking economy, and a discourse of the people by the government for not listening to their demands. People wanted THEIR America back, and the Democrats promised to get that job done. So much for broken promises, right? The Left has used every trick in the book to get their socialist people put into place to do what Obama promised, to fundamentally transform America. Its too bad that most Americans who bought into this hope and change crap thought it would be exactly what we TEA Party patriots are now wanting. But for some strange reason, they simply dont see it this way. Im not really sure that most Americans want a tyrannical government that dictates cradle to grave policies while watching every move we make, and causing us to go broke in the process. Far from it. In fact, most Americans are really on the same page. The problem is in ideology which varies in some degree, and distinguishes a difference between us which the Leftist leaders use to make us all look polar opposite from each other. Do most Americans really want socialism to replace Americanism? Most with whom I talk to dont, but the Left doesnt see Obama and the Democrats as being socialistic in their nature, nor in their agendas. They actually have been lead to believe that we conservatives are fascists, and that the TEA Party is the root to Americas problems today. They actually see us as evil war-mongers who want to promote racism, take away womens rights, abolish gay rights and activity, cut needed funding, keep the poor in poverty, remove their entitlements, keep immigrants from having an opportunity, control business, create monopolies, screw the working man, make the rich richer, screw up the environment even worse than it is, kill off granny, kill the animals, destroy the trees, make them eat and drink unsafe food and water, force religion down their throats, kill off the Muslims, and remove their individual right to do whatever the hell they want no matter who they harm in the process. So my question is this: Who the hell is putting this BS garbage into their heads? That answer is simple, it comes only from those with whom they worship. They do not realize that they have been brainwashed, indoctrinated, and re-educated into a belief system of hate by those who use them as useful idiots to accomplish their objective, which is to overthrow America, the US Dollar, the Constitution, capitalism, free enterprise, and the right to liberty, freedom, and individual sovereignty. What those who serve the Left refuses to understand is that the TEA Party, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and Christian beliefs preserves the American way in which they so desire while protecting them against the same tyrannical governance that only wants to suppress them in the ways they think we patriots are trying to do to them. They are so blinded by hate that they cannot see that its the very same people they prop up on pedestals who are actually doing what they are fighting against, believing its us who are the bad guys here by buying the progressive rhetoric hook, line, and sinker. The leaders use their own racism to make us look as the racists. They use their own greed to make us look to be the greedy ones. And, they use their own hatred to make us into the ones who wish to get rid of those who actually are the ones helping to keep them in power. These leaders want division, they want a political warfare, they want small businesses closed, they want corporate mega-monoliths, they want people dependent on government, they want the sick and elderly gone, and poverty on a wholesale market place. They want all this for the control of the people, by the government, for the elitists profit. These leaders dont want fairness, equality, opportunity, nor justice... they want just the opposite, and by destroying us as the ones trying to do this to them, these leaders take themselves off from being the target to place the bulls eye square on our backs, and these fools buying it take aim every single time. They fuel the fire by their contrived hatred, and use the media to keep the flames as high as possible because the media, the film institution, the publishers, the union bosses, the educators, and the elites are all working together for a contrived ideology which is far from what their desired intents will be. Power, control, and money go hand in glove, and the end game is to deceive enough to get the Lemmings to follow the piper to the cliff, while destroying their enemies (us patriots) in the process. Our message cannot be any clearer. We speak it every day, but the Left refuses to listen. They see what they are told to see by their leaders and their messengers, and clearly do not see the message. And I do not know how to solve this dilema, neither. We cannot open their eyes for them, they must be like us and open them up for themselves. They are so set in to the foundation now, it will take something in which we dont have to pry them loose to remove them from the site. All we can do is to continue trying to get them to see the message, in hopes that a day will come when something happens to open their eyes, ears, hearts, and soul that we are not the bad guys here, we are trying to save them from the same monster that is trying to destroy us, and together we can right the wrongs to set a course back to the freedom and liberty in which America was founded. To give you a good example, watch this 1 hour film made by a die-hard liberal as he tries (unsuccessfully) to tarnish the TEA Party and patriot movement. This film gives a clear message in which the narrator never hears, even when standing in the middle of the cross-fire. This is one to remember, and pass along to your friends and family. It will demonstrate our strength and our resilience in restoring Americas foundation, and the dream in which made all men free and independent. Thank you for your support! Blessings to all who fight for freedom! Written By: Jim Hovda https://youtube/watch?v=dpf6PhCXl_E#t=2037
Posted on: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 04:49:52 +0000

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