My 2 Sense: WILL OBAMAS DEMISE BRING OUR OWN DEMISE? If you have at all been paying any attention to the news, you are seeing President Obamas ratings tumbling like a Russian thistle across the Texas prairie during a dust storm. For once having ratings in the 70 percentile, his points are dropping at a percent or two every day. At last disclosure, it was falling below 35% in favor, which means that 65% are opposed. And for a man who is not only egotistical and a narcissist, but thinks HIS direction for America is the only viable solution for prosperity, this may become a very dangerous situation, not only for Democrats and their claim to governance, but to the American public as a whole. Many have claimed that President Obama is like another Adolph Hitler, in the sense that hes a genius at the same time hes a madman. Very credible psychologists have analyzed Obama to conclude he has a great deal of anxiety and hate bottled up inside, so much to the point of being dangerous. And for a man who sits inches away from the Red Button, that aint good. In his book, The Roots of Obamas Rage by Dinesh DSouza, later turned into a film, 2016: Obamas America, DSouza points out that being rejected by his mother, father, step-father, and siblings, Barry Sorento (original name) had a childhood rage which has stayed with him since his early boyhood. Being taught by his parents, grandparents, and mentors (Frank Marshall Davis & William Ayers) to hate America, Christianity, Jews, and capitalism, the rage has turned into an ideology where all these things must be destroyed and then rebuilt in his own ideology based upon communism and Islamic teachings of Sharia. Of course, these ideologies and principles of Obama were purposely kept from the American public. Had they been known at the time, Senator Obama would have never even received the nomination and wed have President Hillary instead. Not any compromise, as SoS Hillary Clinton is a progressive globalist and hater of most of the same things Obama hates. But thats not how the cookies were baked, and Hillary is a fight for another day... a huge fight we need to prepare for. There is a lot of speculation of who Obama truly works for. There seems to be ties to globalists as well as Marxists and radical Muslims of Iran and Saudi Arabia. Records do show that the Saudis funded Obamas upper education, donated millions to his Senate and Presidential campaigns, explaining why he bows down to Saudi princes. There are also close ties to George Soros who is a globalist and anti-American philanthropist that contributes billions in Americas destruction. William Ayers and his Chicago gang of thugs have very close ties to the Communist Party, and they are the ones who directed Obama into politics. Valarie Jarrett, Obamas chief adviser and close liaison to the Muslim Brotherhood, is an Iranian herself who has denounced Americanism many times, and has thrown rose pedals on Sharia on more than one occasion. So I guess one can claim that Obama is a form of mutt with a little Russian pit bull, a little fox terrier, and a little coyote all mixed together. A dangerous breed in a land of traditional people who view things opposite. President Obamas rating are now falling because we Americans are just now learning who this man truly is, and see that his directions for America are not working. A little late, but always welcomed. Obamas legacy of national health care reform seems to be his Archilles heel, as the whole industry has been infected and turned upside down, as great promises have seem to have become boldfaced lies. Skeletons can be kept in a closet for only so long, and Obamas past, as well as his ties and intents, have been flushed from the wood works to be exposed enough for people to begin to put the missing pieces of the puzzle into their proper space. And the picture it creates is not one of pleasantry, nor of Americas best interests. The ideology of Obamas hope and change transformation of America has now turned into his nightmare, and Obama plans to put us all on Elm street and assume the role of Freddie. When a wild animal is cornered, what does it do? Anything in order to survive, right? Obama is no different. His egotistical narcissism wont let him fall. He may stumble, but he plans to become the next figure on Mt Rushmore. And to do that, he must do something to America to make himself an idol. I know people hate when I compare Obama to Hitler, but please bear me out for a moment. Hitler was despised because he killed millions. He was also despised by the way he turned Germany into a fascist state, was a power hungry control freak, and bulldozed everyone and everything that stood in his way. Hitler was also a globalist, and worked directly with Muslim nations to help defeat his foes. Fascism and Communism run on close parallel lines, and Hitler used Communist as an excuse to blame the countries problems upon. Sounds familiar? My comparison of Obama to Hitler is not the parts that killed millions of innocent men, women, and children... though Obama still has three years left in his term and anything can happen in three years by him, as we all are very aware... but who Hitler truly was as a man, a man who carries very similar traits as Obama. Very parallel patterns of growing up, of education, and of hatred against specific groups, compares the two. His passion to lead, change, and reconnect everything in his ideology, fueled by hatred and retaliation, can be seen in both. And I dont think that the drive for fundamental reform, as Hitler once called it, is not so far from the actions also of Obama to bring our nation upon the brink of war, and not with other nations, but within itself. Lets take some of the already known facts as pieces of a puzzle, and lets place them in to form a picture we can all see. We already know that Obama has taken the Department of Homeland Security and merged it with FEMA to create FEMACORP... a very powerful bureaucracy that has complete control over most of Americas industries and resources in case of a national emergency. And, through the powers of Executive Orders, Obama has combined several past Executive Orders from both Bush and Clinton to merge everything through the directive of the Executive Branch should a national emergency every occurs, thus creating a distinguished central government. From food and water, to transportation and utilities, to communications and distribution, everything is directed through the President should a crisis become inevitable. Martial law can be more easily declared, and thus suspending the US Constitution, Congress, Presidential Cabinet, and the US military, leaving the President to become the Fuhrer of America. And if you dont like that term, then hed be a dictator, or emperor... take your pick. Some of the other pieces are just as empowering. Have you noticed our police departments lately? They more look like guerrilla warriors than cops. They have equal resources as the military, and have become well trained now in civil unrest using combat tactics. There is a growing concern of a black ops military that Obama is constructing, which was buried in the 2700 pages of the ACA bill, in which Representative Louis Gohmert of Texas has recently discovered. Their power and force is worded to be more capable and more powerful than the whole of the US military. Numerous reports of strange troop movement, weaponry and tactical equipment being reassigned to some pretty close proximity to our countrys largest industrial cities have been spotted. And I dont know what to think about all these UN and foreign troops which are supposed to be stationed all across America, and in stand-by mode in Canada and Mexico. These are not made up nor conspiracy rhetoric, as they do mean something because proof has been shown beyond a reasonable doubt... but to what extent? Now, what about the camps and coffins? Too many have gone undercover to expose these conspiracies as being legit. Even Glenn Beck was about to expose them, but was quickly silenced into remission. Alex Jones and Governor Ventura have even visited these places to expose that they do exist, indeed. Yet, the nay-sayers still submit its all a hoax for ratings, as a publicity stunt in scare tactics. Remember that the Father of Propaganda Heinrich Himmler taught, that when the truth is discovered, deny, deny, deny... and then cover it up as some hoax to direct the people away from the truth. If this is the case, then why did the federal government run ads in newspapers looking for security, sanitation, food preparation, and medical staff for these pretend camps? What do you do with tens of thousands of soldiers coming back from war into a country that has no employment for them... no income, no benefits, and no future? I bet Obama can find a job for them... think about that one. And what about Obamas dismantling of our military and relieving top commanders (who just happen to be conservative patriots) of their command, replacing them with egotistical jarheads who said they have no problems in firing into a crowd of American citizens? What is being done with the thousands of rifles, grenades, RPGs, tanks, cannons, trucks, jets, bombs, and military gear being returned? Bet you dont find them in your local Army surplus store. Speaking of weaponry, it was only a year ago when the DHS purchased 14 billion rounds of ammo for semi-automatic rifles and pistols. They also purchased thousands of tactical rifles and hand guns for various federal departments. Does the Department of Fish and Wildlife hunt with AR-15s and hollow-point bullets now? Lets go to some of our finest and ask them, what the hell is going on? Some of our ex-military, current police officers and sheriffs are highly worried with the classified reports that they are receiving which talks about having to move on a moments notice while prepared to combat resistance on our city streets by extremists who may be heavily armed and in great numbers. One sheriff was told to shoot to kill, and to kill any survivors they come upon. Several state police captains have said that they are being military trained by domestic and foreign combat commanders on how to round up civilians to take out whole city blocks in minutes. These stories are even backed up by military commanders who have been assigned to carry out these type of trainings with local law enforcement. National Guard officers have also stated they have conducted mock street sweeps and road barrier training in various cities, scaring the crap out of local residents. Weve already seen the gun confiscation of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, as this was a drill to see what would happen, claims one NG commander. DHS is already setting up road blocks along our Interstates and US highways. There have also been reports of DNA taking at some of these checkpoint-Charlies, voluntary... of course. Whisleblowers, who have worked through very credible people in media, have come forth with claims of secret meetings in the White House with foreign military commanders, UN Peacekeeper officers, and top officials in several federal bureaucracies , all meeting together. What... a party and we werent invited? Rumor has it its about an already devised operation of rounding up those who are a threat to Obama and his agendas. When to be conducted is anyones guess. Whistleblowers have witnessed Valerie Jarretts bursts of outrage, yelling that [she] want(s) these animals rounded up and disposed of once and for all. Im sure she wasnt talking about neighborhood stray cats and dogs, either. She has also been quoted as saying she wants those like Rush, Levin, Beck, and Hannity silenced. Jarrett was also overheard at a dinner function for Islamic leaders saying, Just wait a little while longer... our time is just about here. As Barack Obama himself was caught off mic saying to a Russian minister, Tell Vladimir that after the election, I will have much more flexibility to work with him on this. I bet they were referring to nuclear disarmament, werent they? Other reports from whistleblowers have made light of Obamas intent to bring martial law, rounding up conservatives... taking over their businesses, closing down churches and synagogues, disarming the public, and even starting racial violence in order to propagate these actions into motion. Of course, there is no concrete proof of this, but when the wind blows across the landfill, the air does smell like stench. Finally, there are the reports of underground bunkers able to house hundreds of thousands of elites and government personnel all across the country. Many have come forward with videos and photos, or personal contributions with labor, merchandise, machinery, supplies, etc., in the construction and fortification of these secret bunkers. Not a big secret anymore, as some have died trying to expose these bunkers to the publics eye. We already know of them in Colorado, New Mexico, California, Wyoming, Nebraska, Missouri, West Virginia, Vermont, and Maine. Some say they are inter-connected by high speed trains. Many have said they are now well stocked, guarded, and readied. For what purpose are they planned, and who might just be invited? Bet you and I never get put on their guest list. Im sure there are some pieces to this puzzle I have forgotten. Add them on if you think of them, for the more pieces to the puzzle we have, the clearer the picture becomes. Coincidence? Doubtful, as coincidences in government are well planned, tested, and then adjusted far in advance. No one knows for certain what Obama has up his sleeve, as much is speculation upon the little evidence gathered. But, the pieces do add up, and Obamas characteristics makes him quite capable of doing such to America. I dont trust him, as Im sure neither do you. He has proved himself to be an enemy of the state time and time again. Why he isnt swinging from a rope for treason right now is beyond me? Too many call him dangerous as many have met with unfortunate and tragic accidents who were once close to him at one time or another. A wolf in sheeps clothing may pass by some, but not all who have good noses to smell a rat. A disciple of Satan is what I think he is, and is doing the Devils deeds to destroy us and the fabrics of faith, freedom, and humanity for a purpose that is Biblical. I believe in saving as many souls as I possibly can, and this is why I write my columns. I cant convince everyone, but if I can get just one of you to see the truth and understand where we are and whats truly happening to America, then I have accomplished what Ive set out to do. I know my columns are a tad long, but I have quite a lot to say, and putting my warnings in a short 200 word doc will not give it the justice nor the meaning intended. I hope you understand. And I hope you pay heed to the warning signs, as we are no longer in Kansas anymore, Toto. All it takes is putting the pieces of the puzzle together to fit, and you will have a picture worth its weight in gold. To see the future, you must understand the past. To know people and their intent, you must understand their heritage. President Obama is Americas greatest threat and worst enemy in our history. He must be understood and called out... his agendas derailed. The media and conservative talk show hosts will only give you a rough outline of this President... you must fill in the missing pieces and decide for yourself if Obamas demise will become our own demise. He has already shown his teeth. Soon, he will bite! Thank you for your support. Please share this and help others to see the light through the darkness of propaganda in lies. Blessings to all who fight for freedom. Written By: Jim Hovda
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 11:10:37 +0000

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