My 2013 life update LOL* Well friends I think after 33 - TopicsExpress


My 2013 life update LOL* Well friends I think after 33 years that I have finally found a use for my extreme passion and fire that runs within at times, I now know why I was born with this fire and personality that I have, dont get me wrong its not there 24/7 I am a lover most of the time but ouch when that fires roars watch out! After translating some ingredients labels earlier tonight I am truly disgusted in some of the nuclear soups that are allowed to be consumed by people let alone children all because some ass holes at the top of these huge international food companies want to get richer and richer bigger and bigger all at the expense of our lives and our health! I have started studying food nutrition and health this year, I am going to graduate as a holistic health coach and although I cant do a lot in japan (language/ country of origin barriers) I am going to do all that I can to help NZ families become aware of this and if that means picking up my first protest sign and joining marches (something I have never done much to my shame) then I will be there right up the front! the one with the big speaker LOL to anyone that has fought for something that they believe in whether it be fluoride removal or factory farming, your job, your children whatever it was then good on you! I dont care what people think anymore I dont care if Im ever judged or called a lunatic or tree hugger LOL this is me. We must stop thinking of food as something that fills the tummy and shuts us up and more about the fact that you get out what you put in, you are what you eat. Prices of healthy good whole foods are climbing but that is because as consumers we are voting that all the cheap nasty toxic stuff is better and the more we buy the more cheaper it becomes its all about supply and demand just like anything on the market, lets start tipping the scales back the way they should be and buy as much good healthy whole foods and earth grown nutrients that you can afford, make it a priority in life over and above material things that we dont need, I know its hard but I have said goodbye to many of my luxuries that I did not need in order to free up more money into the food section of our pie. Im not saying Im perfect Im not looking down on anyone Im just trying to help guys Its hard work but I have had some amazing friends being so supportive of me and without them this would be even harder those friends know who they are and I thank them. Just have a think and if anyone wants any info or help then sing out, I will be starting a website and facebook page called elevate your life very shortly and on there will be sharing recipes, tips, ingredients info things to stare clear of etc etc .. Im trying not to put too much on this page as I know you dont all want to hear about it but trust me I have to hold back sometimes... anyway follow my new page if you are interested and if not then thats fine I respect we all have the right to make our own food choices its just that some people dont know any other way thats where I come in. So this is just a heads up that I have changed a little but for the better much much better and this is whats going on in my world at the mo XXX Em
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 13:03:58 +0000

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