My 60 second course on prepping for the worst... I am not a - TopicsExpress


My 60 second course on prepping for the worst... I am not a classic prepper and like the majority of Americans I wouldnt have the money, and maybe not even the time, to do it correctly. My opinion is that those who have not started or feel completely overwhelmed need to focus on just two things. These are in my mind the two biggest essentials: ammo and water. Lack of clean water will kill you far quicker than lack of food. If you have plenty of ammunition and water then you should be able to overcome the worst. You might have to hunt and gather if things get really bad but you simply can not go without water. You need to have a stash of bottled water, a source for clean water (like a private well), or a way to purify water that can be found in lakes, ponds and streams. You can not trust that tap water will keep running and/or be healthy in a true SHTF situation (stuff hits the fan). If you have guns and ammo, or even a bow for that matter, you can hunt for food if needed. I wouldnt personally rely on a fishing pole except as a last resort. A fishing pole could feed you but it wont protect you. You will need a way to protect your family because if things get bad there will be riots and looters will come. All of those people who can not currently tie their shoes without government assistance will come looking to take what is yours. They will not know how to survive without stealing. Forget all of this gold and silver stuff. There isnt enough gold in your possession to trade for my fresh water if that is all that is standing between my familys life or death. A lot of that talk is started by people who make commissions from you buying gold and silver. OK, 60 seconds are up. There are a few essentials you might add to that like a way to start fire and some basic otc medicines/supplies that could save your life, but for Gods sake keep it simple. I am not going to be hauling a 90 lb. backpack and trying to get the hell out of dodge with infant children. If you want to pack yourself like a trail donkey and think you still have the superman speed to dodge bullets, be my guest. If the situation warrants that you can pack that much then that is fine. But if S hits the F then I will do whatever I have to do to survive and that could potentially mean escaping as well. As a last resort scenario it is not the worst thing to know something about your local sewer system. If they come with intent of locking you up, as gross as it is, that might be your only chance at escaping with your freedom. Do a search online sometimes for sewer escapes and you will find that this is one of the most common ways that inmates escape prisons. All of the bells and whistles are great but before you can think about long term survival you must first think about making it through just the first week or so. Hopefully we will never have to face these conditions but its not just a corrupt government that could bring them to us, so dont think that prepping is only for conspiracy theorists. Natural disasters, nuclear attacks, pandemics, etc. There are many things that can cause an emergent situation. Be strong and have a plan.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 20:23:42 +0000

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