My 8 Random Facts: 1- I have a Phobia of Sharks (big ones, aka - TopicsExpress


My 8 Random Facts: 1- I have a Phobia of Sharks (big ones, aka something bigger enough to have a mouth the size of my fist), I can walk on water when I see them that size. :-) 2- I like the cold of winter over the hot of summer. I like layers over sweating. Beaches are fun, but give me white capped mountains any day. 3- I played Varsity Volleyball in High School as well as Odyssey of the Mind (OM), won a few awards + Ranatra Fusca Award for Creative solution to mechanical vehicle. Alwys try to be a Renaissance Man (Mind and Body). 4- Joined the SCA at the age of 14 as a way for me to stay out of trouble. Was in the wrong crowd at the time and my dad (single parent) thought this might be a better venue to spend my time. Medieval archery, etc. instead of shoplifting and hanging out with Skateboarders in downtown Catskill. One good idea my dad had over the years and a great experience of meeting many amazing and friendly people. 5- I have been a computer programmer since the age of 6. Coded Basic w/ pixel maps on a Centclair 2000. First game was Carrier, land a plane on a air craft carrier as it moved across the screen. Coded it, because at I did not realize you could store it to magnetic tape. So every time I wanted to play the game I would write from scratch in active basic mode. After about 10 times I had it memorized from the book. Keep in mind I could barely read. 6- Deep down love for Snowboarding, so much it gets me in trouble with my wife. Was an amateur competitor in the NorAms for Salomon and Super G racing during my undergrad years. Still find it as one of the most relaxing things in the world for me. I would consider it my religion. 7- Had few professions over the years; Shepard, Accountant, Computer IT Specialist, Entrepreneur, Game Developer and Systems Manager. 8- I am someone that is not very religious, I tend to feel that we view this world our own way to somehow explain the Chaos we Experience. God, Gods, Spirits??? But the love I have for my wife and our kids, I still go to church and be the supporting parent and partner that I am. Jeffrey MannTanaka Raiko
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 15:02:01 +0000

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