My 8 random facts...1) Im morbidly afraid of spiders and rodents - TopicsExpress


My 8 random facts...1) Im morbidly afraid of spiders and rodents 2) as a young child, I was extremely shy & quiet(I know...hard to believe) 3) I modeled & was in a couple beauty pageants when I was a teenager. 4) I pass out easily at the sight of blood. 5) I always wanted to be a veterinarian...but couldnt because of #4 6) I was so sick with my 1st pregnancy, I kept telling the dr I was allergic to pregnancy & was dying...he assured me I wasnt 7) my dream job would be to drag race funny cars in NHRA #8) when I was about 5, I cried & begged my parents to not sale their Ford Fiesta, it was my favorite car. :)
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 14:38:41 +0000

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