My American Militia Freedom Forces Brother in Arms, Blaine Cooper, - TopicsExpress


My American Militia Freedom Forces Brother in Arms, Blaine Cooper, posted this video. We The American People, most especially the American Middle Class, are at a CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS where our elected Republican and Democrat usurpers are going to transfer whatever remaining wages, salaries and property we have left, after THEY have eviscerated our economy and jobs and had their IRS henchmen steal our wages, salaries and property, in DIRECT violation of the findings and rulings of The Supreme Court of The United States who ruled that Income Taxes DO NOT APPLY TO AMERICANS, to the ILLEGAL Alien INVADERS now transported by our usurping U.S. Government into our hometowns and cities. They transfer to the ILLEGALs our IRS stolen wages, salaries and property, in VIOLATION of our Ninth and especially TENTH Amendment laws, in the form of all manner of Federal welfare benefits, free public schools, EBT Food Share Cards, Social Security, Medicare, free Socialized Medicine, taxpayer subsidized low income housing and many other Constitutionally contemptuous spending programs. As the result the financial air is not only sucked out from our American economy, but from the American Middle Class, which is being eviscerated by the day. I am posting this because IF the Americans WHO CARE about all of this Republican and Democrat disdain and violation of our Ninth and TENTH Amendment laws decides that they want to go to Washington to Protest and Demonstrate before our elected Republican and Democrat enemy usurpers of OUR Ninth and TENTH Amendment Constitutional laws which We The People ordained and established UPON THEM to secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, MY GOD, unless you want to be MURDERED in cold blood, DO NOT GO UNARMED. IF you choose to go to Washington D.C. to Demonstrate and Protest in support of our Ninth and TENTH Amendment laws, like the people of Bunkerville, Nevada a few months ago, FOR GODS SAKE, do not go UNARMED! If it wasnt for the American Militia Freedom Forces who mustered in Support of the People of Nevada and our Ninth and TENTH Amendment Constitutional laws, HUNDREDS of Americans WOULD BE DEAD in COLD BLOOD last April, when the U.S. Government surrendered to our Freedom Forces. Please, for the sake of your own lives, if you are going to Protest in Support, to defend and RESTORE the RULE of OUR Ninth and TENTH Amendment laws upon our elected Republican and Democrat public servants, so that all American Middle Class weekly paychecks are doubled without any pay raises but by U.S. Government obedience of the rulings of the SCOTUS, restoring our Individual and States Rights, our State and popular SOVEREIGNTY, our small businesses, our economy, our jobs, our individual American Middle Class wealth and power, THEN please protect yourselves by GOING ARMED or DIE. Also see these videos of Bunkerville, NV in April 2014, for what awaits you IF you go to Washington D.C. to Support and Defend our Ninth and TENTH Amendment laws which SUPPORT, DEFEND and will RESTORE our ENTIRE Bill of Rights, The Declaration of Independence and our WHOLE Constitution: 1.) 2.) 3.) - Capt. Karl
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 17:52:52 +0000

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