My Ancestor, The 115TH High King of Tara Hill, Ireland Court of - TopicsExpress


My Ancestor, The 115TH High King of Tara Hill, Ireland Court of The Kings High King, Cormac Mac Airt. -- -- I FOLLOW IRISH BREHON LAW UNDER THE COMMON LAW COURTS...............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THERE MUST BE AN OFFICIAL CEREMONY CREATED ESPECIALLY FOR THE PURPOSES IN ORDER TO TO UNDUE THE ILLEGAL ROMAN ESTABLISHMENT & THOSE WHO ILLEGALLY RULE US..........!!!!!!! A SPECIALLY DESIGNED EVENT THAT WOULD GO INTO STRIPING THE POWERS OF THE CHURCH AND ITS AGENTS OF CONTROL....!!!!!!! I Call For The Tearing Down and The Demolishment of The Vatican City In Rome, It Is Time For The Vatican City to be Demolished and Torn Down it is time for the ILLEGAL INSTITUTION Known as the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH and the VATICAN CITY to be Torn Down and Demolished and Destroyed.........!!!!!! I hereby announce the Gathering of All of The Clans of Ireland and Scotland at the Time of the Quickening I hereby announce that there should enactment of the Restoration of The Old Order and that Two Decrees should be created and put forth one from Tara Hill, Meath Ireland and Fort William, Highlands, Scotland. The Restoration of The Old Ways since before the time of the Roman Invasion upon the British Isles and ie Ireland and Scotland under the directive of a Clan Treaty or the Treaty of The Clans the Full Restoration of the Brehon Laws and Brehon Justice System at the Stroke of A Sword and set in stone as Agreement. This Agreement that will be set into Stone should be Voted on and Supported by a 2 3RDs Agreement based upon the Allotments that Are Casts during the time of the Casting of Lots under the. Direction of the Ceremonial Stroke of A SWORD during the Sacred Holiday known as Lughnasadh but it must be done during Lughnasadh this must be done in order to Restore the Old System and Original Pagan Drudic ie Celtic Based Establishment. I am making this known to everybody I am taking back the THRONE of TARA which should be in Pagan Hands and put back under the Authority of The Druids and the Total Restoration of The Court of The Kings at Tara be fully Restored. And the Total Reactivation and the Reestablishment of the Ancient Brehon Laws that my and OUR Ancestor Codified when he Was the King of Ireland. I will be going to Ireland to take back my and OUR Familys and Clans Throne back from the Usurpers of Our Throne in 2 years from now I will be headed to TARA HILL, Ireland to take back whats OURs and my Familys and Clans. In 2 years I am going to Ireland and I am taking back what is OURS once and for all from the Illegal Usurpers and Invaders of my Ancestors Kingdom those that Stole and Took from them and Illegally since then Ruled over Our People I will be doing this in a Major move. I am not going to disclose a whole lot right now but I have been in the planning Stages for the last few weeks or so I am not going to say a whole lot right now on how I am going to accomplish this but I have been busy lately I am not going to say too much right now. I have a Greater Destiny to Fulfill we have the Sole Responsibility to Restore and follow in the Footsteps of my and Our Ancestors the High Kings of Ireland and the Early Kings of Scotland we have a Birthright to the Throne of TARA HILL. Considering that the Illegal Family that sits in Total Power in Illegal Anglo-Saxon Controlled Britain ie England are not even Eligible for the THRONE anyways it is only Our Family and Clan that has ALL JURISDICTION AND RIGHTS to the THRONE lock stock and barrel the REAL STONE still Stands tall upon the HILL OF TARA.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 02:50:33 +0000

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