My Apoligies for the rant but i wanted to put this out there - TopicsExpress


My Apoligies for the rant but i wanted to put this out there because i have seen so many anti obama posts about the government shut down i felt the need to respond. The debt ceiling is the actual paying of the bills for the money that has already been spent. IT IS NOT NEW DEBT. So any comparison to a families credit is erroneous since this is money that congress has already approved to be spent and the act of raising the debt ceiling is simply the act of paying it. By not doing this by the 17th we default on our obligations and The Credit Rating of the United States of America goes down. Costing us more $$ Beyond that our reputation in the world is being tarnished. the budget amount requested by the Republicans was 986 Billion. The CR that was sent to the House was for 986 Billion. The Exact number the Republicans said they were fighting for. So any pretense that this is about Money is just that...pretense . Right Now the Government has been shut down by the Republican Congress because it has been paid to do so by the Koch Brothers in a year long scheme to kill the ACA. They have relaxed or done away with regulations that kept corporations in check concering workers rights and safety. They fight as hard as they can to keep their rich benefactors from having to pay their fair share of taxes yet dont mind school lunches for children being cut at all. Or Snap (food stamps) for the elderly , children and even our military. They are corporate puppets.......bought and paid for. Extreme right wing tea party members are from gerrymandered districts in Red States. Their districts were drawn to favor Republicans in several districts and grouping all of the democrats in one. This way the republicans take many districts and the democrats only a few. In a state where the majority of voters voted democrat they still end up with a republican majority. the same republican majority that is holding our country hostage right now. Their ideas have been defeated in election after election. poll after poll . and only through cheating can they even maintain their numbers. And paid for by the koch brothers. millions of dollars into the campaigns of the tea party republicans. Their claim now that its about money might even sway a low information voter were it not for the fact that they voted to repeal The ACA 40 something times this year...and nothing else was done. And every day the government is shut down is 1.6 Billion dollars in new debt. So any rants about The Gop being fiscally conservative are a joke. They have vowed to make Obama a one term President and nowthat that didnt happen they are trying to make the economy as bad as they possibly can so that in 2016 they can try to claim the democrats havent fixed the problem. the one they keep causing. The GOP..This is the party that wrecked our economy.....not the one who is fixing it. How anyone with two eyes and at least a couple of brain cells doesnt get this is beyond me.
Posted on: Fri, 11 Oct 2013 12:42:26 +0000

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