My Army of 300 Thinking about and preparing for this mission trip - TopicsExpress


My Army of 300 Thinking about and preparing for this mission trip to Igbos in Germany, London and Ireland, the LORD has put Gideon in my head and heart. You know, my life and ministry has been a lot like that of Gideon and his army. Here I am, a nobody among millions, minding my own business and working quietly and quite timidly outside of the spotlight in my own little hovel and Yeshua (Angel of the LORD) says to me, “The LORD is with thee, thou mighty man of valour (Judg. 6:12).” Like a person wanting to know if they are hallucinating, I ask for signs and they are given to me. Then the LORD reassures, “I will be with thee… (Judg. 6:16).” I started out as a Free Will Baptist Christian with thousands behind me; I fit about as good as a square peg in a round hole. I then become a Messianic Jew with thousands behind me and the LORD tells me, “The people that are with thee are too many… lest Israel vaunt themselves against me, saying, Mine own hand hath saved me (Judg. 7:2).” Then I find myself a Natsari Hebrew and the LORD says once again to me, “The people are yet too many (Judg. 7:4).” So I separate myself from the “Red Flag” Natsarim and now I am left with a remnant, with only hundreds behind me. Then I find my past summer job opportunities I used to help fund my mission trips unavailable, thus more support cut off and the LORD says to me, “By the three hundred… will I save you… (Judg. 7:7).” Most Christian denominations will not support me because I keep the Torah and will not be influenced by bribery to compromise my stance, beliefs and or practices just to be some ones poster child or token Jew. Many Messianic sects will not support for similar reasons. Donations from denominational organizations usually come with strings. “That I will not take from a thread even to a shoelatchet, and that I will not take any thing that is thine, lest thou shouldest say, I have made Abram rich.” – Gen. 14:23 I have stripped and sacrificed all the best I know how for uncompromising purity and truth, despite the seeming “disadvantages” to myself. Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the LORD our God. – Psa. 20:7 I choose to believe in the Word of the LORD, “By the three hundred men… will I save you… (Judg. 7:7).” I said at the start of 2013 that I believe this was our year. Can I get 300 recruits!? If but 300 people would donate $13.33 each, I would have $3,999.00, just one dollar shy of my goal for this European mission trip to the Igbos there. I need approximately: • $3000 for airfare and related expenses • $500 for travelers insurance • $500 in emergency funds While in Germany, London and Ireland my accommodations will be taken care of by my respective hosts. Any funds that exceed my current needs I will put towards my next mission trip. Donations can be made through paypal at my website: abrahamsdescendants/missions-trip-fundraiser.html Or one can send a check or money order to: Kris Shoemaker PO BOX 763 Ft. Fairfield, ME. 04742 Thank you. Shalom, - R. Yehudah “Tochukwu” ben Shomeyr
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 13:03:34 +0000

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