My Autobiography! Fill this out in your own words, repost as, - TopicsExpress


My Autobiography! Fill this out in your own words, repost as, My Autobiography & tag 10 (or more) random people. Fill out with your OWN answers, not anyone else’s. 1. Where did you take your profile pic? I didnt take it, but it was from last summer. 2. What exactly are you wearing right now? Jeans that I now know have gotten too tight to wear anymore, and a shirt my grandma gave me. 3. What is your current problem? I got 99 problem, but palsy is just one! 4. What makes you most happy? Being at the Kingdom Hall with BOTH my children. 5. What are you listening to at the moment? My four-year old singing IM A VERY OLD KID-KID-KID over and over. 6. Any celeb you would marry? I really dont think so! 7. Name someone with the same birthday as you? Juliet Gordon Lowe, the founder of the Girls Scouts. Or was it rather her day of death? Who knows. 8. Ever sang in front of a large audience? Probably when I was in kindergarten or something. 9. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity? Nope, but Im getting extremely SICK of people saying I look like a Jeniffer 10. Do you still watch kiddy movies or kiddie TV shows? Yes, because I pretty much HAVE to. 11. Do you speak any language? Si, Senor 12. Has anyone youve been really close with passed away? Yes, But its so painful and private that I keep it to myself. Like so many things. 13. Whats your favorite band(s)? Bands? Im a country fan, thats all Im gonna say... 14. Whats something that really annoys you? When my daughter doesnt clean her room after the millionth request from me. (Thats when the garbage bags come out). lol, no, not really. Chapter 1: =============== 1. Middle names: You mean mine? My middle name is Lynn, and so is my younger daughters. 2. Nicknames: Right now, it seems to be just Poopybut 3. Current location: 43.468964043° 28 8.27 N 4. Eye color: blue as the Colorado skies baby Chapter 2: =============== 1. Do you live with your parent(s)? haha, nope. Not since I was 17. 2. Do you get along with your parent(s)? What exactly does get along mean these days? 3. Do you have any siblings? Like 6 or somethin. Chapter 3: Favorites =============== 1. Ice Cream: Chocolate! Is there any other kind?? 2. Season: Any season in South Florida, or fall in Michigan 3.Shampoo/conditioner: I havent used the commercial stuff in years. Chapter 4: Do You...... =============== 1. Dance in the shower? Not since I went ass over elbows (sorry for swearing) and broke a tooth or two. 2. Write on your hand? No, I need both of them in order to do it anyway, so how would that work out? 3. Call people back? Most of the time 4. Believe in love? Ive really started to wonder if I do 5. Have bad habits? uh, yeah....... Chapter 5: Have You..... =============== 1. Sprained stuff? Sort of. I remember my mom calling me Gimpy (sometimes), so I must have done something like that. 3. Had physical therapy? Only 15 years worth. 4. Gotten stitches? A couple places, dont make me tell you where. 5. Taken painkillers: Not any more. They dont work anyway. 6. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling? Not in a million years! 7. Been stung by a bee? Yes, and for some reason I remember that I got stung on a field trip in kindergarten. I just went on a field trip with my daughter to an apple orchard and I remembered it. Weird, huh? (An apple orchard is where I remember being stung, 25 years ago). 8. Thrown up at the dentist: No, not at the dentist, but after the birth of my first child, but you didnt really need to know that... 9. Sworn in front of your parents: only a few times 10. Had a detention: Maybe 3. Ever. Chapter 6: What/Who was the last? =============== 1. Movie you watched? The Boxtrolls. JELLY!! 2. Person to text? I dont text, I have better things to do. Like talking. 3. Person you called? Now if I called, I wasnt texting, now was I? 4. Person you hugged? My Audrey Lynn 5. Person you tackled? I guess I sort of tackled my mom 10 years ago (more like threw her) when she accidentally slipped on ice and dropped my infant daughter down the porch steps and landed on her. She was in her car seat carrier though (the baby, not Mom). I hurt my mum, I feel bad for it still, but hey, it was my baby... moms are really strong. 6. Person you talked to on Skype? my friend Rick Smith 7. Thing you touched? Uh, what?...... 8. Thing you ate? Oatmeal with blueberries. No, not really, but that was just another random thing my silly daughter blurted out from the other room. 9. Thing you drank? It sure wasnt water... 10. Thing you said? I cant do that right now, Babybutt, Mommys busy filling out this quiz Chapter 7: Future...... =============== 1. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Hopefully in a real house and not this tiny apartment with noisy, nosy upstairs neighbors. 2. 10 years? Hope by then, that this real house will be in the new world which the Bible promises. 3. 50 years? just as happy as I hope to be in ten years (or even if its 5 instead), in that new world. 4. Where do you hope to live? Probably back in Florida. 5. Do you want to be famous? Nope, not one bit. 6. Do you want children? A couple more would be fine.
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 23:23:39 +0000

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