My BDAY is in a few hours... But were not celebrating til next - TopicsExpress


My BDAY is in a few hours... But were not celebrating til next year..... Dearest Friends, In a few hours it is my Birthday! And b4 you send me a HBD on my FB.... Im hoping I can ask for something this year? About 10 mins of your time! :-) This year I would like to celebrate by starting a year-long project... Im calling it Mondays With Matty and Id love for my bday gift from you to be in the form of a short Monologue/Scene/or Song that you feel suits me/would challenge me/or that... Is well just one of your faves! My plan is to compile 52 short pieces... One piece of material to work on each week and then each Monday post a video of that weeks exploration... Rather than clutter up my FB w/ your submissions Id love if you could send them to: MondaysWithMatty@gmail It be amazing if you had the actual material you are submitting, or a link to the material, or take a screenshot of it, or attach a file ... Any way you can get but if not... NO worries, Ill do my best to find it.... None of the video-posts are intended to be a finished product, or good, or to be taken too seriously but rather just little exercises/experiments/playtime, something for me to work on/think about that week! And by you supplying the material, rather than me working on the same old comfort food, My hope is that your choices will break me out of my comfort zone, force me to look at new things and most importantly just have fun along the way, with no outcome other than just doing the work! And because its all just to grow and have fun.....lets just say Gender/age/or type doesnt always necessarily need to apply when submitting ;-) And if its a scene or a duet maybe we can have a guest-star appearance once In a while if you pick something we could do together ;-) But to give the project a little purpose! Lets say we all meet next year on my birthday where Ill string together the 52 little pieces into a little show/cabaret that ends with a big bday celebration! All just in fun! And for those of you not involved in this crazy bizness we call the theatre (or even those of you who are) I want you to be involved too... Im hoping you can supplement the exercises with passages of inspiration, maybe its a passage from a book you like... Or a quote, or a scene in a movie... Or a story youd like to tell me.... Or if youre an actor as well, maybe something that has helped you with your technique or career... Id love to complile them alongside the material Ill be working on and draw upon them for inspiration, or well just to get me through whats going on in life that week.... And also post them on the tumblr Im going to create as I read/view them in/between exercises so they can be shared with others and we can all learn more about each other along the way! Cheers, Matty Ps if youre wondering... Im turning 30 again and will be for many years to come!
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 02:05:26 +0000

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