My BEST Back Workout High Volume Training for Growth Video: - TopicsExpress


My BEST Back Workout High Volume Training for Growth Video: One mistake I have been making is combining my heavy lifting and high rep training in the same workout. I not only have a strength compontent of a workout but even within exercises a few sets are devoted to lifting big and a few are devoted to getting those high repetitions in. Not anymore. From now on Back Training is going to involve only high reps. The heavy weight Dumbbell Rows with 140 and 160 has been moved to another day. A lot of people warm-up with dynamic stretching, mobility drills, etc. In addition to this, but most important for me, are Weighted Planks. These help me brace my core and once I am able to brace my core theres no chance of back pain creeping up on me. This exercise has been a life saver. Just to run through the list of exercises with basic take-away type thoughts: I am ensuring that I start light and add reps and sets before I add weight. The goal is to build up a LOT of volume. If you look at the numbers yall will notice that Im hitting close to a 100 reps on each of the big exercises: Lat Pulldowns, Dumbbell Rows and Cable Rows. This was a very conservative workout. I only pushed the envolved on one of the DB Rows sets: 65 x 20 + 5 + 2 = 27 reps. Other than this everything was light and controlled and this was probably the best back workout Ive had in my life. Back & Traps Weighted Front Planks: +90 & +45 x 20s Back Squats: 135 x 10 155 x 15 Lag Pulldowns: 62.5 x 25 75 x 20 87.5 x 15 100 x 15 112.5 x 14 + 6 = 20 Dumbbell Rows: 50 x 15 60 x 15 65 x 18 + 4 = 22 65 x 20 + 5 + 2 = 27 75 x 12 + 3 = 15 Cable Rows: 70 x 15 80 x 15 80 x 15 90 x 15 90 x 15 + 5 = 20 Dumbbell Shrugs: 35 x 12 x 4 DB Upright Rows: 10 x 10 x 4 Superset + 3 sec hold
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 09:43:17 +0000

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