My Baby,My Beast,My Hulk,My other half, My Soulmate,The love of my - TopicsExpress


My Baby,My Beast,My Hulk,My other half, My Soulmate,The love of my life♥♥♥3 3 days ago my Boyfriend & love of my life passed away & went to be with God on November 29th 2014. He was 29years young.As I sit in your chair right now I am reminded of so many memories,& so many things you have done in your lifetime,so many little adventures you went on. You loved God & always had your faith, no matter what was going on in your life you always found the best in everything. You are my Rock as I am yours. I am so devistated baby that you are gone i am still in denial,i cannot think of a life without you or without you hugging me again or kissing me or telling me you love me. I hurt so badly,& i just want you to come back. No matter what we ever went through, you always came back to me. You always had my back fr everything,and always was my defender. Since day one I had u rapped around my finger,& u had me rapped around yours & we both knew it. You gave me your heart & I have loved you every minute of everyday since I met you, our first dates are deffinitly ones to remember & laugh at. But one thing I will remember is you couldnt take your eyes off me. I remember going home & feeling butterflies, something ive never felt before and us still talking on the phone after we just hung out for hours . We could talk for hours about nothing and everything at the same time, & have hours go by & it feels Like weve only been talking 10 mins & get lost in a conversation. You are my dream man & I am your dream girl from my head all the way to me little feetsies , when u first told me that I remember laughing cuz the look on your face was priceless. You have the biggest heart,and u are so full of love. You gave me that love everyday & I am so beyond greatful that I got to spend the last 2yrs of your life with you. & that i got to spend your birthday &do exactly what u wanted. You impacted my life so much,frm just being around you,and taking care of you,&loving you. I miss you laying in bed with me & us cuddling & me burrying myself in your chest hairs and u always laughing saying snuggle in there . You are my hairy Beast .♥& beauty and the beast was our thing. No matter what u ever gave me youd always write something about beauty and the beast and say its US. It is US &it will always be US. I miss waking up and seeing your face, or having to wake u up & u being grouchy. I miss going to bed & Us always giving eachother kisses before we went to sleep. I remember when u started the hole 3 kisses, & for sum reason youd give me 3kisses every time. It was our thing too. Laying in bed youd reach for my hand and hold my hand in the middle of the night. You always said that meeting me the was the best thing about my our life,& u wish u wouldve met me sooner ,cuz you finally met your soulmate,best friend,other half,and love of your life, the one person that u wanted to spend your life with & have a family with &marry. God stold away all my dreams when he took u away.I still cant believe that this is true,its like a horrible nightmare & Im waiting for you to come walking in my room &lay in our bed &cuddle with me. You are always the one I turned too for advice & when I had questions or to talk to about anything & everything. You are my rock. Idk how Im suppose to do this without you now. The last time I saw you was a very happy memory for me. I got to see that smile u get (little boy smile) when u saw me. U opened up & told me how u really feel & how much u missed me. U held me in your arms & just held me tight. & kissed me. & you told me you love me. You said so many things the last time i saw you that I cherish now. You are my hulk u are the strongest person i know,u tought me so many things , about life,God, and everything. US laying on my bed or yours for hour talking having deep conversations.I am going to miss your hugs &u holding me when Im completely lost,me always running to my (Daddy) to just hold me & u knew what to do everytime. I love you sooo much. I cant stand to sleep alone now,all the plans we had are just gone now,all the plans we talked about in the hospital ,just gone.Im going to miss our little get always to the hospital,it was our time away from everyone & just to be alone together. I am never going to get over you just leaving me here alone,after our last conversation & what u said. You are my other half, my soulmate,my best friend,my Beast,my Hulk, & the love of my life. You only find the love of your life once. I will be in love with you for the rest of my life & I will be here thru it all,I promise. I will be strong like you,cuz I know thats what youd want. I wish we couldve started our life together, but technically we already did. I Love you My Beast, my Hulk,my Baby, my Daddy, my other half,my soulmate.I know how much you love me and what I mean to you... You gave me a ring for a reason.& I have that ring on my finger for a reason. You ALWAYS made me Happy , &it will always be You, I dont want anyone else. All I ever wanted was You. I LOVE YOU JR VALDEZ ♥3♥3♥3 Love your Baby,your Beauty,your other half, your soulmate Angelina
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 22:33:22 +0000

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