My Blessings From God! Heather Free Brumley, gave me the - TopicsExpress


My Blessings From God! Heather Free Brumley, gave me the challenge to tell her about my children so here goes it. Deven Rocchi, is my oldest daughter. She was the child of my heart that the good Lord put me in her life when she was 23 months old for me to be her mother. She was abandoned in a homeless shelter & I became her foster mother. I so wanted to adopt her but unfortunately that never happened but I got to raise her for 16 years of her life. She is now a mother of two darling little boys (Landon Michael Kenner & Joseph Rodham Ryder) and lives in Arizona with her fiance. Deven was my quiet child, one you always had to wonder what she was up too next :), Life raising her was never boring. She is a very hard worker when she puts her mind to it, she was my child who was stubborn as a mule. She was always excellent with children & loves to bake & cook. As a little girl she never left my side. She was my quiet child who is more reserved, she is beautiful and a survivor. I cant believe she is all grown up & a Mommy of two. Where did the years go to? She is the child of my heart who I have spent years protecting & love very very much. Casie Meagan Carnal, is my second daughter. She is the half sister to Deven, who I was blessed to become her mother when she was 6 months old. She too was abandoned in a homeless shelter and thankfully the good Lord let me adopt her. God sure knew we would need the laughter in our lives. Casie is my blonde curly top child, who was & is always forgetting something. The joke growing up was she hasnt forgotten her name yet, for we call her by it daily. She is a blessing to those she allows to get to know her. She is always cheerful, willing to help someone & is the funniest child that has blessed my soul. She is a cosmetologist and loves to spend HOURS, YES I MEAN HOURS doing her hair. She lives not too far form us and is the mother to our rotten grandson Toryn Ray. She is my little Doodle Bug, who has brought laughter to my soul by being so innocent & naive, who beautiful inside and out and I love from the depths of my soul Lyndi Elaine Carnal, is my first biological child. I do believe she is learning to come out of her shell now that she is a teenager. Growing up she was always by my side, very quiet but oh so observant, and very very detailed. She can tell you everything someone did while in her presence. She is my sensitive child, who is always wanting to help with the elderly, children & tending to others. I am pretty sure she will grow up and become a nurse. She is very studious, an honor roll kid, & loves to have her projects done & homework done as soon as it is assigned. She is my tall,, did I say TALL? and she HATES IT., dark Indian, our Pocahontas who is the beauty queen in our family. Did I forget SPOILED ROTTEN TOO? Yeah that would be our Lyndi Loo. She is my baby girl, my first born that I prayed so hard for. She is my blessing to my soul, my youngest baby girl who I love so deeply. William Alexander Carnal, is my one and only son. He is the baby of our family. He is the most intelligent and smartest kid I do believe I know. From the time he was little he begged us to read the encyclopedia to him. He knows so many strange weird facts about things in life. He is my child that when gets interested in something is fixated on it till he masters it. He can tell you every President, how many children they have, who they married, what state they came from, when it became a state, what the flower, tree and bird is for each state without thinking twice. He is the animal addict in our family. He is messy and I fear a hoarder. :) He brings laughter to my soul for he is ALWAYS smiling and willing to help others. He has a soft wonderful spirit of being nice to others - his sister Lyndi :) I nearly died having him, then he nearly died on me so our bond is tight and I love him immensely. Each of my children hold precious spots in my soul. They each bring me smiles and laughter from things they have done while growing up. I am blessed beyond my wildest dreams to have 4 wonderful children that God picked for me to nurture, guide, & raise to kiss, hug and love! Mama loves you Deven Leigh, Casie Meagan, Lyndi Elaine and William Alexander!! Forever and Always! I challenge, Vicky Perkins Roland, Monica Keys, Denise Leigey Hagan, Carla Brent Holland
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 11:43:51 +0000

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