My Child: You are loved just for yourself. You are - TopicsExpress


My Child: You are loved just for yourself. You are loved even when you hold different beliefs and opinions. You are loved when you feel angry and or upset; the same as when you are cheerful. You are loved when you make mistakes. You are loved without giving up your hopes and dreams. You are loved at every point along lifes journey as you change and grow. You are loved! And You Are! You are loved and can depend on me I desire to be there and help. That is my desire and my dream for all my children in feeling my love they will know they are loved. Signed, I Am. Whenever we study a verse, we want to ask ourselves three questions:What does it say? What does it mean? How does it apply to me or those in my path? Gods will....or mans To understand the authentic will of God (genuine real will of God) Is to discover peace, to lose fear and confusion. To use the phrase the will of God in the wrong connotation (a meaning in addition to or apart from the explicitly named or described by a word) is to court emotional and intellectual disaster. To know the difference is the beginning of wisdom, spiritual fulfillment and social purpose. My own thinking demands a division of the subject into three parts. The Intentional Will of God Intentional done by intention or design. Intention: determination to act in a certain way purpose, objective, goal. The Circumstantial Will of God Circumstance--a fact or event that must be considered a long with other facts or events. Circumstantial--consisting of or depends on circumstances containing full detail. The Ultimate Will of God Ultimate--last in progression, final, extreme, utmost, finally reckoned, absolute, supreme, incapable of further analysis or division. The trouble arises because we often use the phrase the Will of God to cover all three without making a distinction between them. But looking at the Cross of Christ we can see I think the necessity of such a distinction. I know peoples minds are very tired through war strain and weariness but I do want to ask in view of any possible hour or subsequent sorrow or disaster to try to hold in your mind those three distinctive ideas. The Intentional Will of God--Gods ideal plan for man. The Circumstantial Will of God---Gods Will plan within certain circumstances. The Ultimate Will of God---Gods final purpose accomplished. Think of the Will of God in the sense of His ideal intention. To accomplish that one of the first things we must do is dissociate from the Will of God all that is evil and unpleasant and unhappy. That we shall deal with under the heading The Circumstantial Will of God. The Intentional We of Go means the way in which God pours Himself out in goodness such as the true father longs to do for his son. So we see Gods Intentional Will can be frustrated through circumstances (a source of sorrow of distress, suffering of body or mind, pain, anguish, trouble, misfortune and or events causing great harm or loss and affliction) human folly (lack of good sense, a foolish act or idea, an excessive costly or unprofitable undertakjng) ignorance (lack of knowledge) or sin. God cannot be finally defeated and that is what is meant by His omnipotence, (having unlimited authority or influence, almighty) not that every thing that happens is His Will but that nothing can happen which will finally defeat His Will. In regards to the Cross God achieved His final goal not simply in spite of the Cross but through it. Recently I came across a picture post that said God sometimes takes us into troubled waters not to drown us, but to cleanse us. In regards to that statement I wanted to write allowing others to experience for themselves how often we read something and dont recognize the subtle message it is implying. 1 Corinthians 4:4 For I know nothing by myself; yet I am not justified; but He that judges me is the Lord. Another translation says I am conscious of nothing but yet Lord there could be etc What the scripture tells me is although I may not be conscious of a attitude, wound, thoughts, etc. He is and in His love desires to free and love areas within me that help me see Him as and for who He is. Unless we are conscious or aware how can anyone begin to seek the truth. Unless I am aware of my sin how can I truly appreciate His sacrifice made for me personally. Often in reading there a subtle messages that He has begun to point out that in reading I was unaware. In the picture below I at one time would have of said amen not realizing to not really look at what it is saying and what I accepted of being God and not taking a closer look a partial truth with a subtle message that God is the author of trials and tribulations. Where in recognizing human folly, ignorance, sin and or evil are the causes of any and all suffering today helps one to recognize their imperfection and need for healing and opportunity with God to become free. Every good and perfect gift is from God a way to measure what is God and what is not. He tells us these things exist in the world and in my being and seeking transformation helps me to see things I would not normally or naturally see. To know things and understand things I would not otherwise understand. So even in not realizing subtle messages I can ask Him as I read to open to me those messages that need clearer understanding or are a misrepresentation of Him. At present He is working within me which as He says is a continual process that even though I get discouraged with myself He says is a delight. We talk of healing, recovery, wholeness and or holiness; it is transformation of the heart, mind, body, soul and spirit. Some who through circumstances and situations grasping the love of God isnt as easy as those who have experienced love, support, affirmation but have experienced a harsher side of life. But even those who have love and support through out their life are finding revelations and understanding they never had in and with Him. To recognize our sin and not understand grace places people in turmoil. See the recognition of sin is an opportunity to accept the sacrifice He made and seek the healing and understanding we need personally and begin to experience the love and forgiveness of God for ourselves. Years ago a illustration a glass of coke and a glass of water. The glass of coke symbolic of my life where sin exists and I am imperfect; the glass of water symbolic of God pure and Holy. Because of His pureness and Holiness I am separated from Him and His longing and desire to communicate and have fellowship with me His Son became the willing sacrifice so as God looks upon me He doesnt see my sin but His Sons blood that was shed for me that upon accepting John 3:16 personally bridged the gap between me and Him. So God draws close I have opportunity to experience His Presence while yet imperfect. Experiencing His presence doesnt mean I am Holy or as was stated a godly woman it just means I reap one of the many benefits in accepting His Son while I continue to seek Him in perfecting His life and love in and through me. Now this picture is beautiful and symbolically being purple I look at how spiritually we need to be clear on what is God and what is not. And as I said for some that understanding may be clear yet for others defining ( to explain or identify the nature or essential qualities of God and His part) opens up an understanding that frees them to begin to see God as He is. So although it would perhaps appear I am picking on this picture in essence in God pointing out to others they will begin also perhaps like me seek Him as they read to illuminate messages that He sees and understands with clearer understanding sets them free in areas that perhaps struggle existed before. See in such when people recognize His Spirit in them and by His Spirit He can point things out one can freely share how they never saw that before. I am not conscious of certain things even pain inside at times but I trust He is. When people are in pain and or weighed down and begin to experience what it is suppose to be like they can then go to Him the moment they are feeling weighed down or burdened and or heavy. As He has lead me to pray Lord I do believe, continue to help my unbelief. And as He showed me unbelief was not disbelief but pain and sorrow locked inside. And all that is required of me is to seek Him and go to Him for my needs and depend on Him and trust Him and as He builds His trust by the things He brings me through personally my faith in His ability not mine increases. And even if I cant trust or dont know how I can tell Him I am willing but dont know how. And He has done things in peoples lives long before they had the ability to trust Him when I recognize I cant it becomes an opportunity in going to Him and expressing I am willing but dont know how an opportunity to experience His grace. See grace is His continual love and affection toward us and opportunities to experience it in communicating with Him. Sharing my feelings and thoughts as I become aware of them. (Intimacy). I was very aware of the pain I was in and He has healed many areas of my pain but because I was in so much pain I got used to certain pain that at times I dont recognize I am carrying things that belong to Him so for me as the time comes He turns His face away in love because He knows me. So once again this is lengthy but I just wanted to share and I ask our Heavenly Father to reveal only the which is of Him and the may be important for another in Jesus name. Amen. In Christ Linda Mullin The Shack Reflection October 21 just because I work incredible good out of unspeakable tragedies doesnt mean I orchestrated the tragedies. Dont ever assume that my using something means I caused it or that I need it to accomplish my purpose. That will only lead to false notions about me. Grace doesnt depend on suffering to exist, but where there is suffering you will find grace in many facets and colors. Now I would say Leslie D. Weatherhead felt there was also nothing more important than people being clear on God in such situations or circumstances in which clearer understanding brings about a mind at peace. It has been the absence of this understanding many minds have not found the rest or peace within. As he expresses the phrase the will of God is used loosely, and the consequence of that looseness to ones peace of mind is serious. I agree there is nothing that ought to be thought about and thought through more clearly and the absence of being clear on it has caused many people confusion and anguish that clear understanding removes. When we attribute pain and sorrow in regards to God being the author or confuse it in saying God allowed without that understanding the recognition of human folly, sin, ignorance and or evil need to be recognized as the author of them not God. And the causes of any pain and or suffering are attributes of it and God offers Himself in helping but if one thinks He is the author or cause the freedom comes in a clearer understanding of Him His will in the circumstances and or situations people face. If we say God allowed it to teach us it is like saying God tripped someone then offers Himself in helping. If we recognize human folly, ignorance, sin and or evil as the cause we recognize God as He is. Every perfect gift is from God James 1:17; anything else due to pain suffering etc. are products or caused by human folly, ignorance, sin and or evil a way to discern what is God and what is not. God gave freedom of choice and in that freedom people have confused others and or became confused. I agree with Leslie D. Weatherhead there is nothing more people need to be clear on as it will make the difference in peace of mind or a mind in torment. In Christ Linda Mullin
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 01:08:43 +0000

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