My Christmas Gift! When I first came to America, it was middle - TopicsExpress


My Christmas Gift! When I first came to America, it was middle of March in 1986 which was towards the end of winter. But still, winter. So you can just imagine how cold the weather was at that time. Nobody have really advised me beforehand on the kind of weather when I get to New York. I was just told that it was cold. Obviously, the kind of cold that I was familiar with back home was totally different from the cold that I got into. The only jacket I took with me when I left Philippines was actually thin and light, good for spring season. Luckily, it was not biting freezing cold but I tell you - it was a new kind of cold for me! I managed to get around in the next couple of weeks with just my spring jacket and a polyester winter sweater I bought from a sidewalk vendor outside a subway station. I could not wait for that first paycheck! It was not until March 31 when I became officially an employee of the hospital so I had the chance to go sightseeing in the Big Apple and visit its iconic landmarks including the Twin Towers. In less than a week, I was brave and daring enough to explore the city by myself, taking the subways alone, checking places out and just enjoying the new world that I was in. I also got the chance to see a handful of friends and met some familiar faces in gatherings. The whole time I was alternately using my spring jacket and the polyester winter sweater that I was forced to purchase from a sidewalk vendor. Hehe! But honestly, I could not recall that I was struggling with the cold weather because I was not adequately clothed for it. I was more thrilled of the new life that was starting to unfold before my eyes. Its New York City, what do you expect? Besides, I was confident that sooner I can afford to buy a nice decent jacket (looking forward to that first paycheck!). I guess my excitement of being in America and having my dreams coming into reality overpowered everything else! But it was really cold! Winter in this part of the world is not a joke at all especially for those who are not appropriately clothed for it because they just cannot afford a jacket and having a meal is more important than anything else. You know what Im talking about and Im pretty sure youve seen them in common corners all over this gorgeous city. We can say, and I hear this often during conversations with colleagues, that some of them deserve to be what they are and so on and so forth. But frankly, we really dont know who they are and what predicament brought them to this situation. We can make a whole list of reasons and assumptions but the point is they need help. Now. Irregardless. And who are we to judge? When I take my bus at Port Authority to go home from work, I often see this old bearded man, extremely dirty, disheveled, unkempt and drunk (no doubt), scattered himself on the steps with one hand weakly reaching out for some change and on some days I found him passed out and too drunk to panhandle. Every time I see this old man, he reminds me of my own late father. A few times, Ive handed this old man some bills and at times I offered it to him even if he didnt ask for it. I do it not with the sole purpose of being charitable or philanthropic but its because I see my father in him. My point exactly is that these people Im talking about could be our own father, mother, brother, sister, son, daughter, cousin, friend, etc. Someone whos life derailed at some point. Someone who needs proper guidance. Someone who hit rock bottom. Someone whos lost and confused. Someone who needs a little compassion, kindness, understanding. Or even just a gentle touch. And so this Holiday Season, lets be more compassionate and kind. Im sure most of you have closets full of unused, rarely used, outgrown, out-fashioned jackets! Any of these will surely make someone happy and WARM during the bitter cold of winter! Definitely, my jacket closet will be roomy for the winter. There are accessible drop-in locations all over. You can stop by on your way to work, grocery store, church or gym. Or maybe, on your way to shop for the latest winter fashion. It does not take much out from your life. Lets join hands and make SOMEONE smile and warm this holiday season. After all, the true essence of Christmas is GIVING from the heart! And I quote this favorite line, The best Christmas gift cannot be found under a tree but in our hearts! ~unknown~ God bless one and all this CHRISTMAS! With Love, Onard~~~
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 01:00:23 +0000

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