My Dad, Scott Brown, has served our military for 35 years. Hes - TopicsExpress


My Dad, Scott Brown, has served our military for 35 years. Hes been on many different military missions over his years to various countries to work with our nations allies. His service to our country as a JAG and Colonel inspires me, and I KNOW hes always been a voice to our current military members and Vets. While a Senator in MA, he helped pass the Hire a Hero Bill and the Arlington National Cemetery Bill and he has been an advocate for female military members, by helping reform military law to prevent assults and rapes of women. While also serving as a MA Senator, he was on the Homeland Security, Veterans, and Armed Services Committees. He has ALWAYS BEEN FOR OUR VETS AND MILITARY! These are the things I know. What I also know is that Jeanne Shaheen has never served in our military, therefore just in that aspect alone, she cannot relate and connect with what these men and women are going through. And if you dont believe me, read this op-ed in the Fosters Daily Democrat, written by a NH resident (who is also a veteran), and you can make the decision for yourself... Senator Shaheen — Setting the record straight Wednesday, October 29, 2014 By Matthew L. Spencer Those of us who have served our country in uniform have come to expect a lot from our elected officials. After all, it is because of us and those who have gone before us who have secured our freedom that those elected officials can go to Washington, D.C. to represent our views in the first place. For some though, going to Washington becomes the problem, not the solution. I am fortunate to have a close relationship with Senator Shaheen developed from my time serving the citizens of Somersworth as their mayor and I can say without reservation that she truly cares about people. She has proved to be a powerful advocate for veterans — but that was before she went to Washington. However, earlier this year — before the VA scandal made national headlines — the Senator’s refusal to add her support to Senate Bill 2013, the VA Management and Accountability Act, left me greatly disappointed in her. Back in April, I had the honor of representing Granite State veterans on a trip to our nation’s capital as part of a delegation organized by Concerned Veterans for America (CVA) to call upon our legislators to support VA Accountability legislation. While there, I tried to meet with Senator Shaheen but was told the Senator was not available. Politely understanding the Senator was a busy person, I offered to wait until she had a free moment, but was told regardless, that she would not be able to meet with me. I thought that was odd, remembering the Senator had expressed personally to me that if there was ever anything we needed in Somersworth or that I needed as a veteran, she wanted to know. Once I returned home to Somersworth, I made repeated calls to her office and left several messages with her staff urging her to co-sponsor S.B. 2013. Yet again, no response from the Senator or her office. Having been given the Senator’s personal number earlier in my term as Mayor of Somersworth, I felt it was now time to make good on her offer and call the Senator directly to ask for her support. I finally spoke with her and she said she would look at the bill; but this was now the sixth year of her term and countless months since this important reform bill had been introduced. Then, two things happened. In late Spring, the nation was horrified to learn of the scandal enveloping the VA in Phoenix, AZ and as it turned out, that was only the tip of the iceberg. Soon after, CVA developed a public awareness program aimed to call attention to the Senator’s refusal to support the VA Accountability Act. It was only then — after the scandal broke and online ads were running statewide asking constituents to urge her to support VA reform — did Senator Shaheen finally, almost reluctantly decide to co-sponsor S. 2013. That was three months later, and far too long in my estimation. Unfortunately, in this case, Senator Shaheen was not a leader for veterans. Looking back on that visit and knowing the Senator as I did, I truly thought she was going to be enthusiastic about joining Senator Ayotte in co-sponsoring a piece of legislation that was aimed at bringing back accountability to the VA and private sector care choices to New Hampshire veterans. Now, as I see her campaign running ads taking credit for that same piece of legislation we had to shame her into supporting is the height of election year hypocrisy. That’s not something the Jeanne Shaheen I knew would have done. But then again, that was before she went to Washington. Editor’s note: The author, Matthew L. Spencer, adds that he is the former Mayor of Somersworth, a 20 year U.S. Coast Guard veteran who has earned two Masters Degrees one in Public Administration from the University of New Hampshire (2011) and one in Business Administration from the University of Phoenix (2013). He resides in Somersworth and cares for his elderly mother and is a co-guardian of his developmentally disabled brother Tony. Although retired, he is a strong advocate for veterans and works with the NH Chapter of CVA to ensure elected officials in Washington DC hear NH veterans’ needs and concerns.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 16:25:23 +0000

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