My Daddy used to say, Age is just a number, dont nothing get old - TopicsExpress


My Daddy used to say, Age is just a number, dont nothing get old but clothes. Since then God has showed me that when a person obtains the (Free-Gift) of the HolyGhost...right then for them...All time stops and they cross over into Eternity. Right then at that precise moment they are Born-Again and are seen as a baby in Christ eyes. Thou the outward man may grow in years and the inner-man in wisdom, only the inner-man (The Living-Soul) last forever and is Eternal. The Question is, where will you spend Eternity? Its so very easy to miss the Kingdom of God and be lost forever. A lot of us would want to say or claim salvation or to put it another way.....NO ONE WANTS TO GO TO HELL! Nevertheless, the Truth is if Me, You or Anyone who dies in their Sin, will most definitely, GO TO HELL! Sad to say, that most of us lives one way in front of the Publics Eyes or in Church, but behind Closed-Doors we are totally different from the way we present ourselves.... However, you must be made aware of the fact that the Eyes-of-The-Lord are in all places beholden our Good, as well as, our Evil. And every evil deed and every idol-word we have done will stand against us in the Judgement. No One is excluded or left out. For we all shall stand before the Judgement Seat of Christ our Lord. So it is so very important that all of us, especially us Ministers & High Priest, learn to walk upright and holy before the Lord, constantly keeping our sins & shortcomings before him, repenting daily as we fest off our daily bread and work hard to keep ourselves unspoted from the world. We must do all of this while being there for one another. You see people of God, we all get weak, we all have moments when we need someone to be there for us, to stand with us during hard times and adversity. We, as a people, (Christians) must learn how to keep each other encouraged, uplifted and walking in the whole armour of God. As a Preacher/Minister Ive learned how to offer a helping-hand rather then a condemning-word. It is so very easy to judge & condemn, but to help a brother or sister when they need it, seems to be so very difficult. Every 2,000 Years, God brings a Refreshing, a Spiritual Awakening, a Revival to hid Children/Chosen. In our time the Lord will bring a Game-Changer, something so revolutionary it will forever change the entire world.......What is it?___________________? COME AND SEE!
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 09:28:43 +0000

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