My Daily Rant:) Where Was God On 9-11 Some events in human - TopicsExpress


My Daily Rant:) Where Was God On 9-11 Some events in human history impact us so greatly, that we will forever remember the circumstance surrounding where we were when we heard the news. I’ll never forget watching with a group of sailors aboard a Navy vessel as Christa McAuliffe began her journey to be the first teacher in space, only to have it end so abruptly and tragically. Nor will I ever forget stepping out of the shower to see smoke billowing up from the North Tower of the World Trade Center and moments later see the second plane crash into the South Tower. Those images are forever embedded in my memory. You no doubt remember exactly where you were and what you were doing when you first heard the news. But today, I want to ask and attempt to answer the question that no doubt has puzzled so many since that horrific day: “Where was God on 9-11?” … 1. The same place He was when Adam rebelled in Eden – waiting to cover his sin. (Gen 3) From the very beginning of human history man has acted in rebellion against God who made and loved him. Creating man in His on image, placing him in a perfect environment, making him master over all creation, providing for his every need, and spending time with him in the beautiful garden were ways God demonstrated his love for the crown of His creation. But, albeit deceived by the evil one, man made a conscious decision to rebel against His Creator and Friend. Where was God when man first raised his ugly head of defiance and rebellion? Couldn’t He have stopped it before it began? Oh, it is not a matter of whether or not He could have. It is am matter of His design for humanity and His plan of redemption. He designed us with a freedom of choice. In His sovereign foreknowledge He made provision before the world was ever created for man’s redemption; knowing full well that man would make disastrous choices from the beginning. When Adam and Eve finally “fessed-up”, He was there with a covering for their nakedness and shame; exacting the ultimate punishment on an innocent victim to cover man’s sin. But, He was there! “Where was God on 9-11?” … 2. The same place He was when Noah built an ark – protecting him from disaster. (Gen 6-9) Sadly, man’s rebellion did not end with Adam and Eve. Their sons, and their son’s sons for every generation followed in their rebellious path. Until such time that the wickedness of man filled the whole earth and its stench rose as an offense to the Holiness of God. Yet in the midst of such ungodliness, “Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord” (Gen 6:8). Here was a man, not a perfect, but a righteous man, who faithfully proclaimed the righteousness of God. (2 Pet 2) And when God, grieved by man’s wicked rebellion, determined to wipe man from the face of the earth, He furthermore determined to spare Noah and his family, and from their stock re-populate planet earth. So in mankind’s greatest natural disaster, God was on His throne protecting His own. “Where was God on 9-11?” … 3. The same place He was when Jesus hung on the Cross – enduring the pain for the benefit of others. (Matt 27) Oh the horror! Oh the agony! Oh the anguish! Oh the pain! Not just the thorns on His brow. Not just the lashes on His back. Not just the bruises from the reeds and fist of his captors. Not just he plucking of the beard from His face. Not just the spittle being hurled at Him. Not just the nails in His hands and feet. Not just the spear piercing His side. All this, yes; plus the weight of the sins of the world pressing down on His shoulders. Where was God when His one and only Son hung dying on the cross? Didn’t He know? Couldn’t He have prevented it; or stopped it? Was He helpless? Was He not aware? Didn’t He care? Of course He knew! Of course He could have prevented it! Of course He could have stopped it! Of course He wasn’t helpless! Of course He was aware! And, Of course He cared! God knew it was happening, could have stopped it, … but He didn’t. Is He some kind of fiend? Of course not! He had a larger picture in view. There was a greater good to be accomplished by the suffering and death of Jesus. Through the suffering of One, many would be made whole. Through the sacrifice of One, many would have their sins forgiven. Through the death of One, many would be made alive. He wasn’t just sitting idle and helpless as His Son suffered. He was using the schemes of wicked hearts to bring about the redemption of mankind. He reminds us that … “my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the Lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isa 55:8-9) So we ask again … “Where was God on 9-11?” … The Bottom Line: God was not surprised by 9-11, But He was saddened by it. God did not cause 9-11, But He does comfort those affected by it. God may not prevent future acts of terrorism, But He will provide peace to those whose hearts are filled with hatred if they will turn to Him. May Gods peace rest upon each and everyone of you this day as we remember those lost...IN CHRIST!!
Posted on: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 15:22:11 +0000

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