My Daily Rant:) Why do bad things happen to good people! Bad - TopicsExpress


My Daily Rant:) Why do bad things happen to good people! Bad things happen because we live in a fallen world. If you remember, in the beginning chapters of the Bible, man and woman lived in the Garden of Eden, a virtual paradise. There was no pain, no suffering, no heartache, and no death. Then Adam and Eve sinned. Because of their sin, the whole world was cursed. The deaths we have waiting for us one-day, the loneliness, sickness, pain and disease we endure today, all come because of man’s sin. People ask, “How could a loving God let people get sick? How can He allow cancer, and strokes, and Alzheimer’s?” My friend, if you buy a brand new car, and go out and rear end someone and wreck it. You don’t blame it on the manufacturer. It is broken as the result of your actions. The sickness, and disease we endure today, the hurricanes and tornadoes, the droughts and floods, the struggle at work and pain in childbirth all came as a result of man’s sin. They broke it. The world is not like God created it. Why do bad things happen to good people? They happen because we live in a fallen world. Bad things happen to good people to remind us to trust God. At the lake, there was a dock. I would walk a little ways out on the dock, jump in the water, and then walk back to shore. Each time I was inching further and further out on the dock. Finally, it happened. I jumped into water that was over my head. I began floundering. I couldn’t breath. It was then that the lifeguard jumped in and pulled me to safety. Up until then, I depended on my own abilities. Finally I reached the point where I needed someone else. My friend, it is mighty easy for us to begin to feel self-sufficient. It is mighty easy for us to believe we need nothing and no one, until disaster comes our way. It is then, when we can no longer handle things ourselves, that we often find ourselves forced to turn to the God we’ve ignored. It is often then, that we begin to pray with words we really mean. Sometimes, God allows bad things to happen to good people, to remind them to trust Him. The story is told of the preacher who went to visit an elderly woman from the church, just hours before she passed away. As he leaned over her bed, she whispered something in his ear. The lady later passed away. Those who attended the funeral were surprised to discover that the woman, had in her casket, a spoon, grasped in her hands. When the preacher stood to preach the funeral, he explained. “Shortly before our dear sister passed, she made a special request. She asked me to place a spoon in the casket with her. Then she asked me to explain. You see, when she was growing up, at the end of each evening meal, as the dishes were being cleared away, her mother always told the children to hang on to their spoons because something better was coming. Our sister wanted to be buried with her spoon because she wants you to remember, in the midst of your trials, in the midst of your struggles and pain that “Something better’s coming.”....Blessings my friends!!
Posted on: Wed, 12 Jun 2013 23:59:25 +0000

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