My Day on pLanet smurf today was potent trechorus yO im a sicknes - TopicsExpress


My Day on pLanet smurf today was potent trechorus yO im a sicknes infLictions can I get a witnes or sum subscriptions descriptions of perscriptions scribts riddLen tyeLonaL piL bottLes faL capps pop off reLapse pill capsuL capps mushyz zooomers hayLp yo rescues the recipe im strapt tryan to hatch raptor addaptor tractor farmen harmmoney at the pharmacy karmas beast squeeze a jUiCe is deLeeshus veeshes deeshes and weeches beechen in dee keechen deLicous wishes & dishes aQuarium feeshes beeches in the kitchen fLipen pancakes meanwhyLe im the power dat harvest the fLour with! Our cows! For hours & owL devour vowaLz & ghouLs to most! Boo ghost pLann fate! Ya damb! Fakey beeches in the keechen baken & faken taken breakn fate! Great weights great apes! In capes scrape grapes of drapes forgoten cotten popen hop pop popps poppys gramms & grampas scaLes whaLez taiLz winden spiraL snaiL sheLL wiL preevaIL scaLe a waL IL crawL raw howLen woLfy hooves gargoyLe statue hatch threw achoo matchew mathew math! Lafff! Gyrafts in the rafters coyoteez & jackLez tearaDactoz & crack hoes! YO & crows froze in the snow! Frozen chosen fLow! Shadows & Light heated frozen raw painn thaws veins contain painn Like! Train in ya veins bang! Crane hang! ArranguatanG tang! Freight train weight in painn stained gLass death & saten be weighten at the heaven gates again & ya kno watts great we not breakn in god Leten us go home! Forgive eviL! BaLance reebirth forgivnes of depth of screamon demons dreamen feenden skeemen to be free! Again nameLes painLes mainbrain sheeft its a geeft mat gureeka reefa keepa greem reepa steepa peopLes steepLes churches perches yO yu kno wur Learch is burch perch torch porche porch couch sLouchuch! Potatoez chips hip hop scriptures ya monGos LoL
Posted on: Fri, 09 Aug 2013 01:09:51 +0000

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