My Dear Facebook friends, and Readers long time no see, last month - TopicsExpress


My Dear Facebook friends, and Readers long time no see, last month November marked a unique cycle in my awakening and recognition in an aspect of my Esoteric Life and belief. That was actually my mums birth day. Ever since my mum went into transition in march early this year, the Spiritual Significance of her essence made me uniquely aware of an aspect of the Invisible Worlds and After Life Experiences. I have always known and theorised this for decades. Concerning my experiences in my mums transition early this year, I almost felt depressed for thinking of an assumed failure in offering the highest Spiritual Protection and Psychic Healing. I have long mastered the Pathway of a Spiritual Adept as well as gained a Deep Knowledge of the Mystical and the Occult but my mums Illness and physical severance in the month of march made me understand that only the Faith of the one been helped Spiritually can bring Self Healing and Breakthrough. In her later life experiences before her demise in her physical body, she was too welcoming of people that she welcomed so many human who are figuratively vipers into her life. Even her burial was made a fan fare of hypocritical gestures. I was the only one aware of how her Spirit stood around the so called environments of her inlaws as she observed the ridiculous attitudes and behaviours, she felt very disgusted. I consoled her in my telepathic communication with her Soul. While those who felt they have succeeded in killing her due to their Illusionary cravings to Secret Voodoo and Sorcery, I was surprised they knew not of her excitement of been finally disconnected from the Morally Decadent In-laws and Unfaithful Marriage she unluckily found herself into. All I could do was to withdraw myself from all there damn presence, to me the Spirit was of greater value to me than the physical body. Telepathically and Audibly I could still commune with my mum. I offered Prayers to the Almighty, God believing that reincarnation back to me was the only solution to all these, I just allowed my so called Fathers family to cascade in their folly and delusions. They know not of the severity of Divine Justice and Karma. In my psychic investigation, I discovered my mum was actually suffering those later life illnesses from a kind of poison that goes with a voodoo art by a woman she offered shelter to. Kindness turned into a negative outcome from a negative result, however, God is the only one we must always look unto for any reward for an act of good. That kind of poison used against her is not a conventional poison but a poison prepared from a magical formula, it is accompanied with a symbolic ritual. The poison does not kill you immediately but break down your nervous system, which doctors cannot detect but while been treated you maybe diagonised of an incurable nervous disorder of which you die slowly. In Uzebba, where my biological father came from, i use the word biological because my spirit does not resonate with his Psychic nature. I am a different Soul having passed through several incarnations and evolution to this level of my inner awareness by moral convictions been totally different from other Edo People I have come across. In Uzebba, if you are not careful, the people that smiles with you, and disturb you with Eseh Greetings may be the first to bring you down. There is so much jealousy, envy, back-biting and irrational comments that prevails around you. The thoughts of the majority are always negative, to which they consciously or unconsciously, many right there are so immersed in negative energies. Their natural gift in the psychic abilities have always been used for retrogressive outcomes which gives them the identity of a community of Anze. However, they can manipulate natural elements to produce very negative outcomes. What the so called witches always do is to prepare your pitfall in a poison they can release on you without your been aware of it, but the poison do not kill you immediately but gradually and untraceable physically. My mum was fund of sending errands to those around her, buy this or that for me when you go to the market etc Her leg was affected by rheumatoid arthritis from strange sources that will shock to know my dear reader, then because of mobility issues she was having this woman who killed on occasional errand. And the things she got for my mum have to be consumed orally. One day she deceived my mum, like the way Brutus deceived Julius Ceasar, She told my mum there are witches after her life and you know the belief in the existence of witches is a dominant belief in Uzebba, but the Woman who brought the info is the actual so called Witch. She have previously poisoned my mum and wanted to complete the process with a symbolic ritual. Mum was deceived to do what is called Sarraka, as a way of showing off to people around giving them meats of a goat that will be slaughtered. And the Woman ensured it was a female goat to be used, the so called entertainment of the people around was a symbolic feast of my mum innocent physical self, I was unaware of all these because I was so far away and my mum just went to be with my biological father on retirement. I made the mistake of allowing my mum unite with that so called home on retirement. Surprisingly, the head of the female goat was buried on the instruction of the woman that betrayed my mum, she said the intention was to divert evil minds from my mum but it was mum that was represented in that act. From that time around the 2012, my mum body started going worse with strange ill health. When I came to rescue my mum in December, 2012, my effort was condemned by mums inlaws and my dad. They wanted her to die, i stopped the dealth in Febuary 2013 but everything turned around in February to March 2014. However, unknown to me earlier, my mum was prepared by the Divine Spirit for a better incarnation. To be continued.....................
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 09:00:35 +0000

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