My Dear Good People of Anioma For the second time in three weeks - TopicsExpress


My Dear Good People of Anioma For the second time in three weeks I find cause to write you once again. This time I write for good. You will recall that three weeks ago, specifically on 16th September 2013, I resigned my position as Assistant National Chief Messenger of Anioma Voice Worldwide over some issues I could not agree with. I also informed you that I was going to take steps to communicate to the Corporate Affairs Commission accordingly. Today, I write to inform you that following the intervention of prominent members of this forum and other highly respected Anioma sons and daughters, the issues that led to my resignation have been resolved amicably. As you can see, Anioma Voice and its affiliate groups’ profiles have been restored to status quo ante. Full administrative status have also been restored to members of the Board of Trustees, those who were deleted or denied access have been re-instated. Everything has been returned to their former positions before my resignation. It is therefore in light of this development that I today, 6th October 2013, announce to you my intention to withdraw my resignation, and it is hereby withdrawn with immediate effect. Let me not belabour you with details of the efforts that have been going on in the past three weeks to see that the crisis was settled amicably. Suffice it to say that conflict is normal, and should be expected, in every human endeavor. Conflict may seem negative, but it has its inherent positive side. As much as we should strive to avoid conflict, we should nevertheless expect it, for it is inevitable. What matters is that it is resolved amicably. Conflict is good. Among other things, conflict enables you to know the strengths and weaknesses of every organization; conflict fosters better understanding among group members; conflict enables you know the commitment level of each group member. Above all, conflict brings out the best in each group member. The past three weeks have proved to me the faith, resilience and commitment of Anioma indigenes to the Anioma cause. The past three weeks have also availed me the opportunity to know the depth of passion felt by most Anioma indigenes to the Anioma project. This passion, this burning desire in the heart of Anioma indigenes is unquenchable. It is irreversible. Nothing must stand in its way. One of the main objectives of Anioma Voice is to pursue probity and accountable leadership in government, in community/society and in ourselves. It is on this plank that I urge you all to remain eternally vigilant. You will agree with me that true freedom is not possible anywhere in the world without vigilance. It is in this vain that I assure you that the Leadership of Anioma Voice Worldwide is not afraid to subject itself to internal and external scrutiny. Please feel free to call us to order whenever and where-ever you feel we are going off track. We are ever willing to listen to ideas and suggestions on the best way to go. It is in light of this that I must extend my heart-felt appreciation to the leader of Anioma Voice Worldwide, Comrade Akamesike Manuel Okonne, for creating the environment for peace to reign once again. You will agree with me that Comrade Akamesike has worked tirelessly for the Anioma cause. The depth of his commitment is unparalleled, his passion unrivalled. What led to the crisis was a momentary challenge that confronted the entire Management of Anioma Voice (not just Comrade Akamesike). It could happen to anyone, even me. But beyond the challenge, what matters at the end of it all is the willingness to agree to an amicable resolution, and a commitment to continue on a path we have chosen for ourselves. It is the hallmark of great leadership for a leader to have the unusual ability to bend backwards for the good of all. For this, I must salute the courage of Comrade Akamesike for bending backwards for the good of all. I also hereby tender an unreserved apology to the entire membership of Anioma Voice Worldwide for whatever role I may have played in the crisis. I am not infallible, neither is anyone of us at the Governing Board. I make mistakes; we make mistakes. What is paramount is that we have individually and collectively learnt from our mistakes, and peace can reign again. With this return to normalcy, Anioma Voice is now a moving train. It is unstoppable. My appreciation also goes to those of you in, and outside Anioma Voice, who waded into the crisis and mediated an amicable resolution. My God! I could not believe my ears when I received a call from a prominent Anioma son who in my wildest imagination I could never expect to call me. I am totally humbled. I say thank you sir. Thank you all. For those who cashed in on the disagreement and attempted to create division in the BOT, I say thank you also. That particular fellow who approached me with an offer to arrange a visa for me to travel to Europe to deliver a speech to some faceless group, I say thank you also. But am sorry to inform you that my flesh, body and soul are with Anioma Voice. If the condition for the visa is that I must betray Anioma Voice, then I say go to hell with your visa. The person I am referring to knows himself. To those who capitalized on the crisis and created a fictitious Anioma Voice Worldwide, I say thank you. But you have made a terrible mistake which you will regret all your life. You have me and the entire BOT of the real Anioma Voice Worldwide to contend with, and I assure you, you are not going to enjoy it. Let me thank my colleagues on the Board of Anioma Voice Worldwide for the level-headedness they displayed throughout the crisis period. I am proud of you all. Together with the entire membership of Anioma Voice, and by the Grace of Almighty God, we shall continue to break new grounds and remain the largest physical and online group in Aniomaland. Once again, I offer my sincere apologies and appreciation. Finally, on behalf of my family I offer my sincere appreciation to the entire membership of Anioma Voice Worldwide for remaining steadfast in your belief that the crisis shall be over. I miss you all. It is to you that we look to for encouragement; it is to you that we look to for strength. I love you all. Long Live Anioma Voice Worldwide Long Live Aniomaland Long live Delta State Long live Federal Republic of Nigeria FRANK OFILI ASSISTANT NATIONAL CHIEF MESSENGER 7th October 2013.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Oct 2013 06:34:00 +0000

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