My Dear all , We, the Hindu society are so diversified. We - TopicsExpress


My Dear all , We, the Hindu society are so diversified. We have different modes of worship, different names of gods, different languages, different religious practices, yet, we all have some common values to live by. Some of them are described below. Respect for mother and mother Earth We should respect our Mother, as she is The Creator. The first word the child learns to say is “amma”, ”maa”, “maama”, which all mean Mother. Mother, is considered as the first Guru (teacher) for a child. This concept of respect and love for mother or creator is extended to other natural phenomena also which provide sustenance for life. For example rivers, cows which give us milk, Earth which provides us a place to live are all worshipped as mother. In general everything good, blissful, and protective is associated with a mother-image. Respect for father and ancestors We emphasize respect for parents and elders. Parents give their best to take care and bring up the children with values and provide them whatever they can. In turn, the parents should be divine for the children. Service to one’s parents is considered pious and divine duty. It’s a very common custom to bow down to touch the elders and parents feet. The story of Shravan Kumar, who was dedicated to serve his parents is often remembered in this context. Respect for Teacher (Guru) Like parents, the Guru is also worthy of worship. In Hindu society, Guru is worshiped as a God. A Guru is not just a teacher who gives us only education, but also inspires us and passes on his experience and knowledge. Guru can be a person, a symbol or a book. For example, in the Sikh tradition, the holy book “Guru Granth Sahib” is treated as the Guru. In Balagokulam, we treat ‘Bhagwa Dhwaj’ (Saffron flag) as the Guru. Education We need to study our scriptures. Hindu (Vedic) Dharma is the way of living (life). So we need to learn, understand and follow our customs, traditions from scriptures and not just be blind followers. Devotion We need to cultivate devotion through worship/meditation. Devotion leads to concentration. Once we learn to concentrate, we can achieve and succeed in many aspect of life. Purity in body, mind and speech We need to be pure in body, mind and speech. If we are not pure/clean physically, it leads to physical illness. Similarly if we are not pure in thoughts (honest), it leads to stress. Following are some of the values which will help us develop purity of mind and body. 1. Truth: ‘Satyameva Jayate’ (Truth alone triumphs), mentioned in our Scriptures and which also happens to appear in the national emblem of Bharat, is a value, we all should practice. The story of king Harishchandra illustrates the value of following the truth irrespective of any obstacles and difficulties. 2. Honesty: Keeping up with the promises, not betraying people and not telling a lie are the unique values of the Hindu Dharma. Character and integrity leads to success and is respected by all. Many have lost everything to keep up with the promises. 3. Righteousness: Righteousness is an essential part of Hindu way of life. The word ‘Dharma’ many times translated as righteousness. Our scriptures say, ‘if you protect righteousness, the righteousness shall protect you.’ 4. Forgiveness, Non-Violence and Fearlessness: Hindus believe that life is sacred, to be loved and revered. So, they practice non-violence. Development of qualities like non-violence and forgiveness requires fearlessness and strength. The story of Swami Dayananda is a very good example in this context. Once, a misguided man, Karansingh, approached him in anger and with a sword in his hand. Swamiji quickly grabbed his arm and wrenched the sword. He broke it by pressing its point to the ground. But, when Karansingh, felt ashamed and guilty, he forgave him without keeping anything in mind. 5. Contentment and Generosity: We should be satisfied with what we are and what we have. There is no use of being a part of the rat race or unnecessary competition. We should not be greedy but generous. Greediness normally leads to the evil thoughts in mind. 6. Service and Sacrifice: Hindus consider that the service to other is a virtue; giving pain to other is a sin. Giving and sharing is one of the values preached relentlessly in Hindu scriptures. We need to be prepared to make sacrifices and be patient. Serving the society is not optional but the duty of every hindu. List of Hindu values is not completed here. Our sages have listed enormous “DO’s” and “DONT’s” for all individuals to lead proper, right and balanced life and to make all happy and satisfied. One of the best ways of practicing Hindu Dharma is to learn them and inculcate them in our life.
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 07:43:53 +0000

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