My Dearest David, I am sitting here missing you, and I - TopicsExpress


My Dearest David, I am sitting here missing you, and I remembered that when you were out of town, I always used to send you a card, or write you a letter, and it always made me feel better. It has been a whirlwind these past couple of months. Our old house of love sold rather quickly, and we found my new place just as quick. I moved in with Chris and Carrie for a couple of weeks in between. I so enjoyed seeing Rylee and Mitchell after school each day, and spending time with them. I loved it when they would come downstairs and snuggle next to me on the couch. They are such a joy! Oh, guess what baby? You would love this! I kinda took over Chris Harley bathroom. LOL He had all his Harley things so nice and neat on the shelves. Then his Mother came in and with help from our Rylee, we squooshed his things over and made room for all my fru fru stuff! LOL He didnt mind tho! We even utilized Carries tanning bed by sitting my make-up mirror on it. Ha! I had your office chair and it made for a perfect vanity area! Remember how I used to do the same thing to your place when I would come visit you? Chris and Carrie made me feel at home! When I get in the car and have time to think, I really start to miss you! One day I put in the CD you made me, and I started to cry. I tried my best to hold back the tears, but I couldnt. So I just drove and cried! After a few days of carting things back and forth and the power had been turned on in my new house, I left Chris headed home. I had the radio on, and just as I neared my new place, the Brenda song came on. Remember Baby, a few years ago when I said to you that there wasnt a song about Brenda? Theres Carrie Ann, Amy, Barbara Ann, Lucille, Sara, Suzie Q, Donna, etc. But, no Brenda. Remember you said Ill show you the Brenda song! You then proceeded to play the Zac Brown song Shes Got Whatever It Is. It goes like this Shes got eyes that cut you like a knife, got lips that taste like sweet red wine, and pretty legs, that go to Heaven every time. Shes got a gentle way, that puts me at ease, when she walks in a room, I can hardly breathe, shes got a devastating smile, that drops a grown man to his knees Shes got whatever it is. It blows me away, shes everything I want to say to a woman, but I couldnt find the words to say. Shes got whatever it is, I dont know what to do. Cause every time I try to tell her how I feel, it comes out I love you. Shes got whatever it is. I love that song! I didnt cry that time, because I felt like you were sending me a message. You were letting me know you were happy for me! You know what I did Baby? I blew a kiss toward Heaven! On a funny note, Chris says you ruined that song for him! Ha! He cant listen to it anymore without thinking of his Mother! LOL I am pretty much unpacked. I have just a few boxes in the guest room, left to unpack. I am so enjoying decorating my new place! Im not sure, you would like my new style, but I love it! Chris ask me the other day, if I could imagine me and you in here together. I told him, yes. You might not like not having a backyard, but as for the coziness...we would do just fine! We always enjoyed each others company, didnt we? I feel very safe here Baby. I am sleeping well at night. Sometimes, early in the morning, I swear I feel the bed move, like you are getting up. Its kinda a comforting feeling. It makes me feel like you were there, watching over me. Speaking of comforting, my next door neighbor is Ms. Betty. She will be 90 next month! She is so precious, and sweet. She doesnt get out much, but it is comforting knowing she is there. She rang my doorbell a few weeks ago, to give me her telephone number in case I needed her. She came by again this morning after getting her mail, and visited a few minutes. I already love her! We have potluck dinners here once a month, at the clubhouse. I feel officially old!! LOL I went last night Baby, for the Thanksgiving meal. I was the youngest one there! Ha! Everyone was really nice. Talking about Thanksgiving, I was just thinking this morning about how you would have been heading home to celebrate with us. It is so hard to get used to you not being here! I miss how you would sit back and tell everyone you were giving them all one chance to get what they wanted to eat, and then everything was fair game. I miss seeing your smile! I miss your touch! I miss hearing your voice! I miss hearing you say you love me! But, I still feel and see your love every day through our children and grandchildren! You know Baby? We did good! We raised such great children! They have been there every step of the way, helping me. Our Amy Baby, she handled everything with the paperwork, money matters, etc. She has so much of you, in her. She amazes me! You would be so proud! I went to visit your grave the other day Baby. I dont go there very often. I dont feel like I have to. I talk to you all the time, whenever or wherever I want! Our Brad visits you there a lot. He goes and sits and talks to you there. He makes sure everything looks nice, and Robby gets a new flag and Brad places it there, for you. I know you arent there, but we still want things looking good. It is so hard to believe it has been over a year since you left us. Last holiday season is kinda a blur to me. I was still living in a fog. Just kinda going through the motions. I havent gotten the holiday spirit yet, but maybe after next week. Well see! I really am doing good Baby! I am enjoying things more, and getting out more. I volunteer each Thursday, at the church. I go to the movies some Tuesdays with my Choose Joy ladies. We are all widows, Baby. So we can truly relate to each other. They are all so special! I had lunch with your Mother, your brother Greg, and your cousin Jo Landa yesterday. We talked for over two hours. We laughed and really had a great lunch! Mama looks good. You would be pleased. Overall we are all good, we all still miss you greatly, but it is getting easier to deal with. I want you to know how much I appreciate all the sacrifices you made for me, all the little things you did to make me happy, and how very much you spoiled me. You are forever and always in my heart! I love you! B
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 19:50:01 +0000

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