My Dearest Son, On this day please allow me a moment to share a - TopicsExpress


My Dearest Son, On this day please allow me a moment to share a piece of my heart with you. The only time that I ever assisted God in a miracle was on November 4, 1990 the day that you were born. You were born exactly one year after my beautiful mother died on her birthday…Happy Birthday Mommy, look at our boy all grown up!! As God was bringing your grandmother to heaven, he was sending you to earth for me. You saved my life, for you gave a life that I thought had no reason to live, purpose. Every good thing about me is YOU.. And I just thank GOD so much for making you MY SON.. As I watch you turn your dreams into realities please always remember the lessons that we learned together when we partnered together to read The Purpose Driven Life.. Please always remember that before God even placed you in my womb he knew you, he loved you, your life has purpose, there are lives that have been assigned to yours, you have to walk into your destiny and become authentically who God created you to be so that you can be a blessing to those lives. You are no longer a child, you are a MAN, but please never let that child in you die, for it is that child in you that will always give you the courage that you need to make the scary choices that lead to great success. Think about it as a child you are fearless, because life hasn’t yet begun to beat you up, then as you grow older and you experience disappointments, you become more cautious, you take less risks because of the fear of rejection or failure. But to really live life to its fullness we must take risks, to reach our full potential we have to be willing to take the risks that others are to scared to take…That child in you will always push you to take those risks, so never let Jr., or Junebug as Jaden use to call you die. So as we honor your 23rd year on this thing we call life please allow me to reinforce these lessons that I have and will continue to share with you: 1. Please always remember that even though I am your very proud mother, whom you ultimately belong to is GOD, so always gives thanks, honor, and glory to him first and foremost. Please remain humble in all that God blesses you with. 2. The measure of a man is not how much money he makes, the true measure of a Man is how many lives he unselfishly touches. 3. When you do what it is that God called you to do, you will never chase money, money will chase you. 4. If you are the smartest one in your crew, then you need to get a new crew, because there’s nothing for you to learn from them and they will suck the life out of you. 5. The same way that you want a man to treat me and your sisters, is the same way you must treat the women in your life. 6. The smartest most successful man, is the man that knows that there is still so much more him to learn.. 7. Our greatest lessons are learned when we are silent. 8. We are all born to die, what you do with your life in the meantime, is the legacy that you leave the world. Make your name Great!! 9. Your mistakes will never define who you are, it’s what you do after that mistake that will define who you are as a man. 10. Love is the greatest gift that someone will ever give you…Do not take it for granted. My Beautiful Son there is still so much more for me to share with you, but for now I will end this by saying that over these years I have watched you turn your dream into a reality. You have made a name for yourself in this very hard music industry, it brings me so much joy to see you using the gift that was given to you by God. Please know that I am your biggest supporter, I am your biggest fan, and you have become one of my role models. Happy Birthday Curtis Williams (f.k.a. Jr. or Junebug) and Happy Birthday Beverly Tuff (a.k.a. my Mommy!!!) I love both of you infinity times infinity, and then times it again.. Well you get the point right!!!
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 16:23:29 +0000

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