My Downward Spiral.....and my Rising Up: It began with knee pain - TopicsExpress


My Downward Spiral.....and my Rising Up: It began with knee pain from previous surgeries and injuries. The pain got worse and I stopped doing legs for awhile and continued cardio. Then my other knee started bothering me so I stopped cardio for a bit and continued to work upper body....and nothing else. I started taking pain pills and ibuprofen for the knee pain. I stopped going to the gym altogether and used the excuse that I was frustrated with my injuries. I stopped drinking all my water. I started eating bad. I gained a few pounds.....then a few more pounds and my clothes started fitting tighter. My heel started hurting from my weight gain. I started to become easily irritated and became cloudy in my thinking. I gained more weight. I started to feel sad and depressed. I started eating REALLY bad. I started getting headaches. I couldnt sleep anymore so I started taking a sleeping pill. But then I had a sleep hangover so I began taking a fat burner with caffeine for energy during the day. I became more and more irritable. My back started hurting. My doctor put me on an anti-depressant. And the anti depressant made me gain even more weight. I didnt want anyone to see me. I didnt want to live my life anymore. I WAS MISERABLE! One day I woke up.....I was at Rock Bottom and I decided that THIS is not the way I should be living my life. I was going to take responsibility for my own accountable, and do what I needed to do to FIX IT! I would not make excuses, I would follow through, and I would LOVE MY LIFE AGAIN! I gave myself 90 days. I started going to the gym every matter how I felt.....I GOT UP AND DID CARDIO! I started drinking water....and quit drinking anything caffeinated. I quit taking fat burners. I stopped eating processed foods and fast food. I started sleeping better. I started to feel good about myself again. I started thinking clearer. I started to lose a couple pounds a week. I stopped taking sleeping pills. I began to notice that I wasnt so irritable anymore....I was patient....and cheerful. I started lifting weights again. I started taking joint supplements and vitamins instead of pain pills. My knees and heel stopped hurting. My back didnt hurt anymore. I weaned myself off my anti-depressant. I started to fit in all of my clothes again. YES! People started to notice a change in my physical appearance and my attitude and THAT felt great! I lost 30 pounds and 29.5 inches in that 90 days. I made NO EXCUSES....I JUST DID IT! This happened in 2006 and THAT transformation is what led to my idea of a 90 day T-Bones Gym Challenge. I knew that if I gave other people in the same situation, the tools to change their life....that they could also be as successful as I was. It worked..... Since 2006 I have seen over 1000 clients in my 90 Day Challenge.....I wont lie, the program is difficult and some days you want to quit.....and there have been lots of people that have quit.....but the ones that didnt quit.....came out of the program as WINNERS! When you work hard to make a positive change in your will always win. The next 90 days begin this weekend....No more excuses. Whos in??
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 04:18:53 +0000

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