My Early Morning Rant ;-) During a recent interview someone - TopicsExpress


My Early Morning Rant ;-) During a recent interview someone asked me what it was like to not have my work partner around me anymore. Simply put, it sucks! BUT, I also said, I have had some pretty amazing support from many of Georgs colleagues and friends. Some however see me as just another woman in a field where I dont really belong and to those people, well, Id tell you I love you or some other who-hoo kind of thing, but the fact is I dont. YES, I am a woman and you know what? I LOVE BEING A WOMAN!! And NO! I am not an Oxford grad, and NO! I dont have a degree in Sanskrit, but when I take on a project I do it with more love and conviction than you can imagine. I translate texts, I write commentaries, I write courses, I teach, I try to inspire, I do humanitarian work and so on, all because I love life and I love what I do! I didnt have the luxury of being able to study at Oxford. I was a young fully engaged mom in the middle of somewhere in Canada when you were in college, but you know what? I wouldnt change that part of my life for anything! When I met Georg, my life changed and every single day for 9 years I studied with him. We did NOT have a student/teacher relationship so please dont think that and for those who keep revisiting that with me, please put it to rest! He pushed just about every button imaginable in me including my fear of failure and for that I am hugely thankful! We did traditional Tibetan style debating, I was up at 4 AM every morning just so that I could do my practices and start studying before my office day started and I wouldnt go to bed until 11 PM or later. Georg would smile when hed hear me chanting texts while preparing food and wed do call and response to learn new texts when wed clean the house together. Hed laugh out loud when I would be doing yard work and Id stop to practice a script in the dirt! Hed look lovingly at me when I woke up 2 AM and said, So, I was just thinking about the Anuttarayoga Tantra and I was wondering if you have a bit of time to answer some questions... Id make chai and the talks would begin! Yup, that was our life and although I dont have Georg around me in a conventional sense, he is still very present for my questions and I also have a couple of amazing friends and colleagues who are eager to help me when I have certain questions and most certainly are always there when I need or want to have a philosophical dialogue. So, thank you to the people who support me and the work Im doing! And thank you to the people who want to collaborate with me on various projects! You guys (and yes, they are all men) are true scholars and academics! And to those who find it easy to criticize me because Im a woman without a Ph.D from Oxford youll be very happy (or not-so-much-so) to know that in 2014 I have several translations, commentaries, articles, books and courses being released and some of those are with some pretty incredible scholars who believe in me, and unlike you, they are thrilled I am continuing to bring Georgs work forward and have added a strong Shakti element to it. Maybe thats what bothers you more than anything else... Rant over, and back to doing what I love
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 14:23:41 +0000

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