My Ebola Book Project: The Wrap I learned a lot from my little - TopicsExpress


My Ebola Book Project: The Wrap I learned a lot from my little Ebola book experiment. What I learned that was really a great thing to learn was that it is indeed possible to spend three hours writing a fifty page book and earn thousands of dollars in a week. That is a good thing to learn. I also learned that people do not easily recognize satire. The description I gave the book clearly said that I was blaming UFOs for Ebola. I mean, hello? The book also blamed Area 51, the Illumaniti, and an island that may or may not be Gilligans Island. Sales have dropped for now, as America gets a grip. Although I am still getting sales every day. When the next panic wave comes, I believe it will skyrocket again, but we shall see. I learned that the media causes panic, and then later on, blames the public for being foolish and panicking. Why did you panic, you fools? Bad media. Some friends wanted to know if I was trying to cause panic. Yes, I was: I specifically wanted the public to blame aliens from another part of the galaxy for the entire Ebola mess. I also wanted you all to blame UFOs for the rising price of milk, but forgot to put that into the book. While I am waiting for the next Ebola Panic Wave, I will finish my new book, The Hot Naked Women of Ebola. I think it will be another hit. I am going to put some of you into it, under different names, but I hope you do recognize yourself when you read the book. Even though I have a legal case against Donald Trump right now, I am not going to put him in the new book. He scares me a bit. I think its his hair. Oh, I also learned how easy it was to be put on the ISIS enemy list. 108 thousand pissed off ISIS members right now. I blamed them for pretty much working together with the aliens and all. More ISIS members should have purchased the book. They disappointed me. As for Ebola, we are now in the distorted It is okay, everybody just chill media phase, which is just as invalid as the original the Ebola Sky is Falling stage. So we hear news like: Hey, Nigeria Beat Ebola. Which is true, but they didnt have much of it to begin with. But we hear that now instead of Ebola is doubling every 20 days in West Africa which is true still. We hear stopping air travel from West Africa would make it worse which is the biggest bunch of bullshit I have ever heard. Now, we are going to route West Africans to a handful of airports that will have better screening procedures. Ha, I laugh at that. Wait until ISIS purposely infects volunteers and sends them over. Yes, I feel fine, no, I do not have a fever. Check me if you want. Okay, great. I want to go work at McDonalds. Where is the nearest McDonalds? And actually, some nations are now very afraid of Americans coming to THEIR nation. Ha. Over reaction? Yeah, probably. And the Military in the USA now intends to swoop down on any hospital that has a new Ebola patient, because they know the job has to be done right and well, they want to make sure it is done right. I think that is a good thing. But, all in all, my relationship with Space Aliens remains strong, and they were cool with me blaming them.
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 23:47:50 +0000

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