My Email to Metro who have now instructed there cashiers to not - TopicsExpress


My Email to Metro who have now instructed there cashiers to not talk to the customers: I have been giving my business to my local Metro, Merivale and Viewmount Ottawa, for over 7 years. One of the reasons I have continued to shop there, despite some brands leaving, is the customer service I have received. Over the past 7 years I have built up a relationship with the cashiers at the store to the point that I know to some extent what is going on in their lives and they in mine. Often I will be asked how my children are doing as example. Long story short, the reason I have continued to give my business to Metro is the relationships that have developed over the past 7 years. So, it came as rather a shock today when my cashier, whom I know, informed me that they had received a directive from head office that they are no longer allowed to ‘chit chat’ with customers. Her expression was one of being incredulous at depleting customer service that I and other customers enjoy on a regular basis. I can only make two basic assumptions on this recent order on employee behavior. Firstly, I think it is a reasonable assumption that you have received complaints from customers having to wait because of said chit chat. Secondly, that your organization has seen fit to place the expedience by which customers are expedited through the check-out line as the number one priority. I feel that the latter is the more logical explanation with the former being used as evidence to back up your decisions. However, I would like to point out some fallacies in your decision. First and foremost, I would be lying in not recognizing that yes indeed some employees do on occasion chat more than is necessary. However that is not the issue from a companywide perspective. To make a broad assumption and paint all employees at the checkout line as being nothing more than Orwellian cogs in the machine does them a disservice and undermines you as a company. Furthermore, to not entrust each store with the responsibility of managing its employees and those that do indeed ‘chat’ too much further undermines your position. I frequent your store because of the friendly service I receive. If all I wanted was a curt, ‘air miles card?’, ‘how do you wish to pay?’ and ‘goodbye’ then I can receive that service at any other store in my region, who frankly offers better produce and cheaper prices. Your decision is a poor one that undermines employee satisfaction and respect for the organization they work for. Long term these types of decision are markedly un-Canadian in nature where the mass majority of us at least get a quick chat about how cold or hot it is outside as the cashier goes through the monotonous routine of running your product past a lasers Orwellian eye.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 01:48:18 +0000

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