My Encouragement for all of YOU to watch the video... She already - TopicsExpress


My Encouragement for all of YOU to watch the video... She already tasted her experience to visit into Heaven and Hell at her 3rd time and ITS S-T-R-O-N-G W-O-R-D!!!! Give Glory to GOD! Many christian are living in sin and IT even FILLED with SIN in THE CHURCH! Its DANGEROUS to have two master that ANYONE who acts carnal (FLESH) and lukewarm (VOMITING SPIRIT- ) and Worldly is filling with sin... Worldly and CARNAL or LUKEWARM are EQUAL that called sin to GODs eyes.... Why?---Because of COMFORT ZONE -- GIVE you example is These PEOPLE who like COMFORT ZONE and doing WORLDLY THING or THEY goes to Church as faithful and thought they would go to heaven is WRONG! because THEY HAVE NOT RECEIVED SALVATION OF JESUS CHRIST or THESE CHRISTIAN who are having bad habit with smoking cigarette or DRINKING WHISKEY or Wine a lot that called CARNAL that is SIN! Many christian want their own way than to PLEASE God....LOOK AT HEBREW 11:6 and READ the verse about without faith, IT WILL NOT PLEASE GOD! They would not understand what kind of God? They may understand the 10 COMMANDMENTS BUT MANY of CHRISTIANS didnt want to follow 10 COMMANDMENTS and THEY want to REMOVE 1 or 5 or 9 that would not PLEASE GOD! He want to see the CHRISTIAN to READ the WORD OF GOD DAILY and PRAYER to GOD DAILY, FELLOWSHIP WITH JESUS, and WELCOME HOLY SPIRIT to be team with YOU so HOLY SPIRIT may GUIDE you each day and please do not doing your OWN WAY...... IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THE KEY TO ASK THE ABBA FATHER FOR FORGIVENESS and REPEAT ask HIM another FORGIVENESS what YOU Makes anything mistakes action! FORGIVENESS IS BEST GIFT from the HEAVEN and can heal your land, too! If You do not forgive your friend or family or Married SPOUSES then GOD will not FORGIVE YOU, If You count to rebel against His WORD and not follow Gods way! that means You are against GOD! that means You do not OBEY God at all. OBEDIENCE is the KEY therefore When You ask GOD for forgiveness and repent before the Lord and start to OBEY GOD and You will receive the BLESSING more and more later on. IF You dont practice to make payment 1/10 ( TITHE) and You are robbing or steal GOD. ENCOURAGE you to read it in MICAH 3:8-10 about robbing God. God still loves you all and want to see his children to turn to RiGHT PATH of GOD and live right with HIM that would PLEASE GOD! GOD didnt want these PEOPLE to go to the LAKE OF FIRE. ITs RUNNING OUT OF TIME! RETHINK about YOUR CHRISTIAN LIFE ACTION DAILY You are doing daily and recorrect your heart before the LORD and remove WORLDLY things out of YOUR HEART...BEST way to ASK GOD to FORGIVE YOU... REPEAT ASK GOD about your mistake acting with anything. FOR WORLDLY People who never been saved as JESUS CHRIST Personal before, Look at ROMAN 10:9-10 and read it and CONFESS TO THE LORD to forgive your sins and BELIEVE IN JESUS then REPENT your heart and remove your old ways out of ur heart and become new person- ( 2 Cor. 5:17) For people, Any of you who endure to live in sin same time You goes to church and read bible and pray to God THEREFORE, YOU WOULD NOT ENTER into THE HEAVEN... Read GALATIANS 5:16-21 and Revelations 21:8... TRULY, Jesus loves you very much and never mean to you... Why They REJECT God because God made a choice to pick you of the All PEOPLE as GOD loves you! REMEMBER that GOD HATES SIN! HE is HOLY HOLY GOD and accept the christians heart show PURE that He PLEASED with this and IF YOU have pure heart with GOD and HE WILL BE HAPPY for YOU! I love you all! God bless you. ADDITION to WARN about BACKSLIDE from THE LORD..... for CHRISTIAN who stray from the LORD and involves with the WORLDLY STYLE and cant go to HEAVEN. Read JEREMIAH 3:11-19 and PROVERBS 14:14.... I want to see all of you would make it to go to HEAVEN and be with JESUS amen! God be with you...
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 06:27:16 +0000

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