My Energy TT is boasting about the local UN delegation having a - TopicsExpress


My Energy TT is boasting about the local UN delegation having a great view of Leonardo DiCaprio addressing the UN Climate Summit, while the Trinidad and Tobago Government led by Prime Minister Kamla Persad Bissessar is engaging in a war against environmentalist Dr. Wayne Kublalsing and other activists over the contentious Highway Reroute Issue, how very hypocritical is that? It went on to state and I quote, We anxiously await the address from our Prime Minister! I am sure they meant to say eagerly await, for anxiety denotes a negative uneasiness, unless, of course, conscience is finally catching up to them. An all round bad PR move My Energy TT, you have only succeeded in adding to the misspeaking bucket list of your government, which seems bent from the start on putting its foot in its mouth and embarrassing my nation at home and abroad in the process. In case you missed it, Trinidad and Tobago Government his (Leonardo DiCaprios) words were a condemnation of persons and governments of your sort, which is going about climate change as if it were fictitious, while playing politics with our (humanities) survival at stake, to be certain it is not just about telling people to change their light bulbs or buy a hybrid car, as was suggested by our Finance Minister, as a great solution of sorts in the 2015 Budget Presentation, industries and governments around the world must take decisive large action, or in your governments case choosing not to destroy acres of ecosystem, priceless land with your multi-billion dollar highway financial kick back project, a bit of inaction would be nice. Also, choosing to fix the oil pipelines when warned to prevent the disastrous oil spill, which cost our country millions of dollars and unprecedented environmental damage, so you wont have to play cover up. As Leonardo DiCaprio said, you can make history or be vilified by it, for some uncanny reason you desire to go done on record as being one of the worst governments in the history of the republic of Trinidad and Tobago in terms of environmental matters, even though you came to office partially based on your environmentalist position of protectionist re: cancellation of smelter plant project, perhaps because you did not stand to personally benefit financially from same. Another UN Summit, but we the people are not believing you the well greased governments of the world, we are not impressed and we will continue to fact check and correct your misspeaking, missteps and mismanagement of the people, economy and environment as opportunity affords. Keep up the fight Dr. Kublalsing High Court Ruling notwithstanding, there are those of us who cannot be bought. Kwame Kamau
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 13:26:11 +0000

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