My Evangelist wrote these here on facebook!! What is - TopicsExpress


My Evangelist wrote these here on facebook!! What is bitterness??? Let us read a passage in the bible that describes it: Hebrews 12:12-16> kjv Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees; And make straight paths for your feet, lest that which is LAME BE TURNED OUT OF THE WAY; but let it RATHER BE HEALED. Follow peace WITH ALL MEN, and HOLINESS, WITHOUT WHICH NO MAN SHALL SEE THE LORD: Looking diligently lest any man fail of the GRACE OF GOD; lest ANY ROOT OF BITTERNESS SPRINGING UP TROUBLE YOU , and THEREBY MANY BE DEFILED; Lest there be ANY FORNICATOR, or PROFANE PERSON, as ESAU WHO FOR ONE MORSEL OF MEAT SOLD HIS BIRTHRIGHT. **** so what is the BIBLE saying about BITTERNESS???? contrary to what MANY think- BITTERNESS is NOT speaking TRUTH about a MATTER or REPEATEDLY SPEAKING on the SAME MATTER....... In REALITY- BITTERNESS are those who have been DISOBEDIENCE or HURT by some DISOBEDIENCE PERSON-- and INSTEAD OF GETTING HELP??- They go OUT SPREADING LIES and are EASILY DECEIVED, giving in to LIES, TEMPTATION, LUSTS and FALSE doctrines.. and because they were BITTER over something??- They became DEFILED and gave in to a BRIBE of satan and many of his FALSE doctrines concerning their WOUND -- Now they PREACH, Teach ERROR and ACCEPT ERROR??... So in ESSENCE the SIGNS of a BITTER PERSON- is a person who now calls WRONG- RIGHT?? and will stop at NO END to HURT OTHERS - even when OTHERS have CORRECTED THEIR WRONGS......... Yet people think SPEAKING TRUTH, is trying TO HURT OTHERS?? but the FACT of the matter is; LYING is HURTING others- Seeing that a LIE will LAND YOU IN HELL... yet THEIR BITTERNESS -will NOT let them SEE they are WRONG....#Fact#
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 12:31:47 +0000

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