My Fellow AkwaIbomites, “AS WE CELEBRATE AKWA IBOM STATE AT - TopicsExpress


My Fellow AkwaIbomites, “AS WE CELEBRATE AKWA IBOM STATE AT 26YEARS: I BELIEVE I CANMAKE THAT DIFFERENCE IN 2015 !!! Today, we celebrate the mystery of the true AkwaIbom spirit and interest,a mystery that bring forth the vision and courage to reinvent the new AkwaIbom State. When our founding fathers, boldly agitated for the creation of AkwaIbom State ,they knew that AkwaIbom State, to endure ,would have to change; not change for change sake, but change to preserve AkwaIbom people values, enterprising,mercantile and versatile spirit with peace and unity. It’s about positive change that will transit beyond uncommon infrastructural transformation to industrial and agricultural revolution that will sustain our people and create employment for our youths and women,.. it’s about the ordinary AkwaIbomPerson who is so very hardworking ,intelligent ,prayerful and desirous to create wealth to excel like others but he or she is limited by the spiritual, environmental and economic challenges, It’s about me,…! it’s about you….! it’s about us….! who believe that in the face of the greatest odds and threats, we can transcend the obstacles to make a difference in our state by rekindling, by re-orientating and redirecting our impoverished people into the new socio-economic opportunities that will lead us into the new face of AkwaIbom Statewith greater possibilities. Each generation of AkwaIbom State must define what it means to be an AkwaIbomites , We know we have to face hard truths and take strong steps. But we have not done so,instead,we have drifted,and that drifting has eroded our resources, fractured our economy, and shaken our confidence on the leadership because of prevailing poverty and corruption in the country. Great AkwaIbom people today we must in one accord summon the change we want to celebrate from 2015,we must raise our voices for an unmistakable choruses of POSITIVE CHANGETOWARDS INDUSTRIAL/AGRICULTURAL REVOLUTION to create wealth and employment opportunities for our idle youths and women. Yes—You, my fellow AkwaIbomites must force this CHANGE by resisting the forces of darkness and oppression. I challenge a new generation of young AkwaIbomites to a season of hope, faith and change...the choice is yours! the difference is clear ! but the option for the anticipated industrial and agricultural revolution is solely ours , remember if we play politics of sentiments and mortgage the future and destiny of AkwaIbom State into the hands of desperate politicians with no clear cut agenda ,blueprint and marshal plans for AkwaIbomState in 2015,we may end up in doldrum and abortive socio-economic crisis that may propel acidic poverty and violent crimes like what’s going on in the North Eastern part of Nigeria.. As I am humbled and elated by the fact that majority of our people truly appreciate our drive and aspiration to take our-AkwaIbom State to the citadel of excellence come 2015,as your great steward, I appreciate the enormity of the responsibility of repositioning AkwaIbom State and the arduous task of re-directing our vehicle of destiny towards Industrial and agricultural revolution to create wealth and employment opportunities to our Youths .This indeed is a call to duty and service to our great people, We are undaunted by the enormity of the assignment ahead even as we seek to forge a true partnership with the good people of AkwaIbom State, to put our State on a faster pedestal of economic growth. I believe together, we shall take AkwaIbomState from the envious heights attained by the present administration of Chief(Dr)GodswillAkpabio to greater heights of industrial and agricultural revolution to become a center of excellence as we intend to continue to set the pace in infrastructural transformation, but with a positive diversion into human capacity development and frugal management of resources with the core values of probity, transparency and service delivery, etc. My great people of AkwaIbom State, we have a true picture of building on the legacy and giant strides of the present administration who have provided us with the enabling environment to launch our State into full blown industrial and agricultural revolution. OUR VISION IS TO REPOSITION AKWA IBOM STATE TO BECOME A CITADEL OF EXCELLENCE, AN ECONOMIC HUB NUB, WHILE CREATING JOBS AND BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TO DRASTICALLY REDUCE THE LEVEL OF POVERTY PREVAILING IN THE STATE AS THIS WILL GREATLY DOUSE THE TENSION IN AKWA IBOM STATE AND HELP SHIFT OUR STATE’S ECONOMIC FRONTIERS POSITIVELY AND IMPROVE THE ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE IN A SUSTAINABLE MANNER. MY GREAT VISION, GREAT MISSION AND MANDATE TO TRANSFORM THE EXISTING INFRASTRUCTURAL DEVELOPMENT TO LAUNCH AKWA IBOM STATE INTO AN UNCOMMON INDUSTRIAL AND AGRICULTURAL REVOLUTION To achieve this, I and you must be committed to ensuring that AkwaIbom State become an industrial base of Nigeria and Africa , a safe haven for investors, workers and residents, even as I formally introduce to you and all AkwaIbom State people the winning streaks for the new face of AkwaIbom State and beyond. WINNING STREAKS means (the winning -strategies for the -rebuilding and -empowerment of -AkwaIbom State), it is a blueprint and a compendium of a realistic work plans ,strategies, ideas, programmes ,an anaesthesia for the biting poverty in the state. It seeks to enhance socio-political and economic status and performance of AkwaIbom State through collaboration with the private sector and in translating the available resources in the land of AkwaIbom State to abundant wealth by ensuring increased wealth creation through enterprise and hardwork. I believe increased wealth creation is a sure way to poverty reduction. We will encourage our people to be involved in the wealth creation process through kick-starting several industrial and agro-based industrial project via Public-Private-Partnership arrangement, building of the proposed IBOM INDUSTRIAL INTERNATIONAL MARKET and direct involvement of the youths and women in SME’s funding. For me, the AkwaIbom people remain our assets. We must continue to protect, empower and care for them. Our human development target will therefore focus on capacity building, health care, quantitative and qualitative education; improvement and sustenance of our environment. Youth and women empowerment will receive priority attention with us. We have a mission of guaranteeing that the state and indeed Nigeria remains stable, united and safe haven for investors and their investments, by ensuring adequate security through, community policing ,intelligence surveillance and security map information of the entire state to tackle the security challenges of violence crimes like terrorism, kidnapping ,ritual killings and armed robbery, and by drastically addressing their developmental problems, age-long deprivation; unaccountable wastages and diversion of development funds, by using the registered NGO’S and CBO’S to execute specific micro-projects in the state, dialogue and meet with the stakeholders and local communities on a quarterly basis to take stock of the development activities in the state. We will never compromise security with politics as we will strive to eliminate criminality to the barest level by creating various avenues of generating wealth and employment opportunities, but improving the internal security via security architecture to capture the entire AkwaIbom State, as no community develops without peace. Where there is no rule of law, there is bound to be rascality, deviant behavior, crimes and lawlessness. We will therefore strive to banish all forms of violent crimes, eliminate cultism and gangsterism, kidnapping, terrorism, political killing of our illustrious AkwaIbom People , How long shall we continue to abate senseless killings to render our AkwaIbom innocent children and women as orphans and widows in the name crude politics of kill and rule. Therefore we will enforce the rule of law and guarantee equity, justice and fairness. Our concept about AkwaIbom State is to truly build on a transparent, accountable and probity in the public service and management of resources by aggressively pursuing positive reforms in key institutions of governance. This will include tax reforms to boost the internally generated revenue of the State, Land acquisition process reforms, public service management information system. I believe for us to succeed as a prosperous state ; we must be able to deliver on the dividends of democracy to make our people free from the psyche of poverty and frustrations which has prevailed over the state since the last two and half decades, by fulfilling all our covenants, agreements and contracts with people of AkwaIbom State (the electorates) I sincerely believe we must serve our great people, not as the master, but as our co-labourer in the service of Nation-building and AkwaIbomState project; We have a commitment to change the destiny and history of AkwaIbom state positively, by leaving impeccable footprints in the annals of our national history and move forward, together with all AkwaIbomites to build one united and strong world power-AkwaIbom state with set goals of redeeming our great people in the perils of obscurity, poverty, self-denial and apathy who have accepted servitude and backwardness as the will of God and as a way of life. And by creating enabling environment and opportunities to bring back our best brains and talents who are rotting away in foreign lands. We, have the vision of imparting positively to the lives of over 4million people of AkwaIbom State and aliens; residing in our state, by ensuring even distribution of wealth, creation of jobs, business and investment opportunities in the state, by participating in the Federal Government power development projects to enable us generate, transmit and distribute a greater chunk of the Nation’s power supply to support our industrial aspirations on power and energy, and transform into a modern industrialized state that will ensure job security for our people. We have sincere marshal plans to create viable projects, avenues and further expand other sectors of our economy, courtesy of privatization to accommodate and employ the idle unemployed youths and women in the AkwaIbom state. This is our paramount reasons and covenants, visions, agenda which we are deeply committed to and which we must share together with all AkwaIbomites, even as we look into the bright future with great optimism convinced that tomorrow unfolds even better future for our state and country; our generations and those yet unborn who have no other place to claim than our AkwaIbom State. My fellow AkwaIbomites, as we stand to celebrate AKWA IBOM STATE at 26 years, let us begin anew with energy and hope, with faith and discipline, and let us work until our state is classified among the best in Africa. I bid you and the entire AkwaIbom State people, come , join and support us as we move towards translating this programmes to reposition, rebuild ,re-engineer and empower our great people and AkwaIbom state to shine again. God blessAkwaIbom State! And God Bless you richly in Jesus Name Yours in the service of Nation-Building PRINCE IDONGESIT ESSIEN
Posted on: Sun, 22 Sep 2013 19:05:49 +0000

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