My First Year In Crossfit One year ago I walked into Crossfit - TopicsExpress


My First Year In Crossfit One year ago I walked into Crossfit Credence for the first time. I had been hearing about crossfit for over a year. I heard everything from it is awesome to it is a cult, to it is dangerous. I remember sitting in my car before going in thinking to myself, What are you doing here?! Youre not an athlete, you have NEVER lifted weights like this before....YOU ARE GOING TO DIE!!! Then I walked in and it wasnt exactly what I had expected. I guess in my mind I had invisioned massive muscle bound men and women throwing insane amounts of weights around looking like the body building magazine models. And while I did notice the muscles on both of the coaches that did my intro I also noticed a lot of other people at various different levels of fitness. After I did the first initial assesment workout (which I thought the devil himself created) I sat there trying not to puke and Dave asked me, so what are your goals? What are my goals?! Right now not to pass out!!! But seriously what a loaded question. Definitely not something that I had expected to be asked nor had I thought about. I wanted to feel better I guess. Feel better physically; not be in pain all the time, feel capable of completing daily tasks, and just feel stronger. Feel better emotionally; I hated my body, I hated where I had let myself get to, and I felt hopeless of ever being able to really change that. And feel better mentally; I thought I was weak, frail, and broken. Due to injuries and a family history of every diagnosis you can think of I had let myself accept the belief that I was no longer capable of being strong. I WAS AFRAID! But there was something inside of me that really wanted to do this. I am one that likes a challenge and this would be one of my greatest challenges; to let go of my limiting beliefs and conqure my fear. Over this year I have grown and learned so much!! From all the wierd lingo that crossfitters use, to the insane amount of technique that goes into every lift, to specific eating to improve performance. I have learned to push myself...harder than I ever have in my life. Through the blood, sweat and many tears I have come to realize that my past injuries, my family history, and my fear dont define me. I have awaken this inner athlete and competitor that I thought I buried 17 years ago. But most importantly I found a support system, a family that I didnt even know I was missing!! Crossfit isnt so much about the muscles and the weights (even thought I love me some weights) but its about giving you all of the love, support, motivation, encouragement, and kick in the pants that you need to become the best version of yourself. To anyone thinking about starting have nothing to loose!!! Crossfit isnt for everyone but if you dont ever try you will never know if it just might be the one thing that makes all the difference in your world! To everyone just starting crossfit....KEEP PUSHING!! You are stronger than you give yourself credit for. Rome wasnt built in a day and health and fitness is a journey...ENJOY THE JOURNEY!! And to all those crossfit veterans....THANK YOU!! Thank you for being awesome! Thank you for always pushing the envelope. Thank you for supporting something that has not only completely changed my life but changes the lives of so many!! I am inspired by you ALL!!!
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 17:03:33 +0000

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